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David Brandon YRSOB (brand deflater / email enthusiast / cowardly quitter)

Dave should show up at 6:05 in a Domino's car and start handing out free large pepperoni pizzas.

Nothing could win him the support of a bunch of college kids better than free pizza.
He'd NEVER do that without also giving away tickets to the Pedster game... which I've decided should be known as Reckless Ignorance Bowl I
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Obligatory "dis gon b good."

(full text of the letter at the link)


Congressman requesting Big Ten investigation into Michigan's handling of Shane Morris injury

ANN ARBOR -- The Shane Morris concussion situation has now reached the United States Congress.

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ-09) has written a letter to Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany, urging him to investigate the way Michigan handled Morris' concussion Saturday during the Wolverines' 30-14 loss against Minnesota.

The letter was obtained, by MLive, via Pascrell's office Tuesday.

Pascrell is a co-founder and co-chair of the Congressional Brian Injury Caucus.

Cont'd ...
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Obligatory "dis gon b good."

(full text of the letter at the link)

Congressman requesting Big Ten investigation into Michigan's handling of Shane Morris injury

ANN ARBOR -- The Shane Morris concussion situation has now reached the United States Congress.

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. (D-NJ-09) has written a letter to Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany, urging him to investigate the way Michigan handled Morris' concussion Saturday during the Wolverines' 30-14 loss against Minnesota.

The letter was obtained, by MLive, via Pascrell's office Tuesday.

Pascrell is a co-founder and co-chair of the Congressional Brian Injury Caucus.

Cont'd ...

And BOOM...just like that this Dumpster fire spreads.
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Beat me to it Dry... was just about to post the same thing....

I'm no particular fan of Congress getting involved in this sort of thing, but considering today's focus on football and long term traumatic brain injuries as a result, I guess it makes some sense.. After all, that was - as the Congressman points out - a big part of the bullshit about unionizing...
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Man, has it rained shit on that program since The Game 2006, or what? Lets see, after that game, the following has happened (off the top of my head)--
  • Got their doors blown off by USC in the Rose Bowl
  • The Horror (otherwise known as Appy State)
  • Doors blown off by Oregon in the big house (three game losing streak)
  • Entire tOSU defensive line meets in scUM backfield (The Game 2007)
  • Hire a horrific fit in dickrod
  • Shred-gate
  • Buyout-gate
  • Family values
  • Justin Boren transfers to tOSU
  • Lose at home to Utah to kick off dickrod era
  • Bootycar Cissoko, criminal mastermind
  • Justin Feagin, pyromaniac
  • Holy Toledo
  • Pretty much the rest of the 2008 season, capped off by a massacre in The Game 2008
  • Practice-gate
  • 2009 season implosion after good start gives them false hope, more tOSU fans than scUM fans in the big house for The Game
  • QBForce shenanigans
  • 2010 season implosion after good start once again gives them false hope, capped off by a massacre in The Game 2010
  • "You raise me up"
  • Savage gorilla-fisting courtesy of Mississippi State
  • Clown show of a coaching search ends in the hiring of <.500 career coach
  • 2011 seasons fills them with more false hope
  • Bammer horseplays them to start off 2012 season
  • 8-5 season capped off with loss in The Game (in which they didn't cross the 50 yardline the entire second half), and bowl game that sees their tiny RB beheaded in a highlight that will never cease being played
  • Back-to-back narrow escapes vs two of the worst teams in the FBS
  • A running game that runs in reverse (literally)
  • Taylor Lewan, bleeding on a field near you
  • One of the worst offensive lines in college history (despite being stocked with blue chip recruits)
  • Losing The Game 2013 in gut-wrenching fashion
  • Gibbons leaves team for "personal reasons" which turns out to be a case of the "bad touchies"
  • Bowl blowout to a mediocre Kansas State team
  • Offseason full of "hotseat" debate
  • Embarrassing loss to ND that showcases more offensive ineptitude
  • Blown out at home (again) by Utah, with more offensive ineptitude
  • Blown out at home by long-time scUM whipping-varmint Minnesota
  • Concussion-gate and subsequent handling of the controversy
If I missed anything, I apologize, but that's just quickly off the top of my head.
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Man, has it rained [Mark May] on that program since The Game 2006, or what? Lets see, after that game, the following has happened (off the top of my head)--
  • Got their doors blown off by USC in the Rose Bowl
  • The Horror (otherwise known as Appy State)
  • Doors blown off by Oregon in the big house (three game losing streak)
  • Entire tOSU defensive line meets in scUM backfield (The Game 2007)
  • Hire a horrific fit in dickrod
  • Shred-gate
  • Buyout-gate
  • Family values
  • Justin Boren transfers to tOSU
  • Lose at home to Utah to kick off dickrod era
  • Bootycar Cissoko, criminal mastermind
  • Justin Feagin, pyromaniac
  • Holy Toledo
  • Pretty much the rest of the 2008 season, capped off by a massacre in The Game 2008
  • Practice-gate
  • 2009 season implosion after good start gives them false hope, more tOSU fans than scUM fans in the big house for The Game
  • QBForce shenanigans
  • 2010 season implosion after good start once again gives them false hope, capped off by a massacre in The Game 2010
  • "You raise me up"
  • Savage gorilla-fisting courtesy of Mississippi State
  • Clown show of a coaching search ends in the hiring of <.500 career coach
  • 2011 seasons fills them with more false hope
  • Bammer horseplays them to start off 2012 season
  • 8-5 season capped off with loss in The Game (in which they didn't cross the 50 yardline the entire second half), and bowl game that sees their tiny RB beheaded in a highlight that will never cease being played
  • Back-to-back narrow escapes vs two of the worst teams in the FBS
  • A running game that runs in reverse (literally)
  • Taylor Lewan, bleeding on a field near you
  • One of the worst offensive lines in college history (despite being stocked with blue chip recruits)
  • Losing The Game 2013 in gut-wrenching fashion
  • Gibbons leaves team for "personal reasons" which turns out to be a case of the "bad touchies"
  • Bowl blowout to a mediocre Kansas State team
  • Offseason full of "hotseat" debate
  • Embarrassing loss to ND that showcases more offensive ineptitude
  • Blown out at home (again) by Utah, with more offensive ineptitude
  • Blown out at home by long-time scUM whipping-varmint Minnesota
  • Concussion-gate and subsequent handling of the controversy
If I missed anything, I apologize, but that's just quickly off the top of my head.

Somebody get this man his goddamned Pulitzer already.
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If I missed anything, I apologize, but that's just quickly off the top of my head.

You forgot Mike Hart's "They'll always be our little brother," comment following Michigan's win over Sparty in 2007, which prompted Dantonio to say, "Pride comes before the fall."

Michigan is 1-5 against Sparty since. The only win for Michigan over Sparty was the 12-10 win in 2012 when Michigan sent out their rapist kicker to hit the game winner with 5 seconds left on the clock.
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