Key words being "over the past week"...if you think that was SOP six months ago, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe the fine folks at The James need to contact the Spark Matsunaga VA Medical Center, Tripler Army Regional Medical Center, and the Hawaii Endoscopy Center and let them know that they need to change gowns /masks for every patient. From visiting the first two centers about a half dozen times a year, I can assure you that, aside when gloves were required (e.g., the med lab techs drawing blood), doctors/nurses weren't changing their PPE (gowns, or mask if they even had one) for each patient they saw. And if you think the med lab tech drawing blood is going to replace his/her mask for each person from whom he/she is drawing blood...Dude. Just...stop.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about on this subject.
From being in The James frequently over the past week, I can tell you directly you are wrong.