Neat. That will be a fine comfort to the dead or dying. How many is enough deaths? Ball park figure.
Here's the fun part, most people don't know they have it. So if you're allowed to peaceably assemble, knowing you've now increased your risk of catching thus giving it to another 100 fold, but haven't tested positive, can you be held accountable? You say knowingly, so is being symptomatic enough? symptoms are flu-like. Can the defense be that they just felt it was the flu sans a positive test? So I really have no case then to prove the "knowingly", do I?
Comparing something damn near airborne to a sexually transmitted disease is a bit of a stretch. Especially proving transmission. So I ask again, what's the price? Financially and criminally? If we're worried about destroying lives financially via economic slump, what if someone has no resources to compensate me for the damage? Would I be paid via victims of violent crime?
Again - very different from airborne to sexually transmitted. The latter at least providing some basis for a criminal investigation that can be accurate given the intimate nature of transmission. What if I've walked by several church going folk who are asymptomatic while shopping, who are found sick later? Whom is held responsible? All of them? Are they charged as co-conspirators? I can't prove it was JUST one of them, now can I?
Nobody is saying to rip up the Constitution. This doesn't have to be an All or Nothing situation. And if 98% of the people survive, but the same that infected swine flu (61 million) is the final count, that leaves over a million dead. So where is the threshold where we blur 'freedom' and collective sacrifice for the sake of life? Do we tell the families of those 1+ million that "Freedom isn't free"? Because we told the families of our boys that died in Afghanistan and Iraq that - which was cliche' bullshit. Some comfort for them, huh? Your number, please? How many would have to die before you consider taking pro-active measures that might temporarily limit some of what we enjoy everyday? Or is there just no such number in your mind?
I'm really going to probe you here. Because right now, you're still being quite general. I need as detailed as you can possibly give me.
The bulk of the Libertarians and "Constitutionalists" I know scream about the 2nd A and the 2nd A only. They could give a rats ass or mostly turned a blind eye to the rest.