HailToMichigan;1008214; said:
Aha. Problem number 1 with the playoff. Everyone's got their own idea. Need to figure out:
- Number of teams
- How to determine eligibility
- Where to play the games
- How, if at all, to incorporate the bowls
- How to determine seeding
- How to split the money (and where it's coming from)
- When to play the games
And so much more.
It's so easy to sit back and say "YAR we need a playoff BCS SUX!!!" It's much harder, isn't it, to devise a system that truly fixes the problem and addresses all concerns? Everyone thinks their own system is so perfect, and won't hear otherwise.
billmac91;1008218; said:
So make a playoff system and I'll approve it, I'm sure. Anything would be better than what is currently used, and there are numerous ways to make it work financially. I suggested one way to make a playoff system. I'd prefer 8 teams, some prefer 16, some even jst want an and 1 system. I don't really give a shit as long as it makes the system overall more fair.
No matter the playoff system used, it would be a HELL OF A LOT BETTER than the current system
I'm sticking with my "no" vote to a playoff. However, billmac seems to voice the opinions of all pro-playoff fans. The answers aren't as important as the fact that there's a playoff system.
But here's my preferences to answers to your questions (if there were to be a playoff):
- Number of teams - Since I don't want a playoff, I vote for as few as possible. You're always going to get the first guy left out of the playoffs. If it's a 4-team playoff, #5 is pissed. In an 8-team playoff, #9 is pissed. And so on. But, in my mind, in a 4-team playoff, #5's complaining is just the ramblings of a mule: not many people are going to listen.
- How to determine eligibility - I guess I don't understand. If you get selected, you're in.
- Where to play the games - Possibly my favorite part of a playoff system is the first round or two (depending on how many rounds there are) might be played at the stadium of the higher-ranked seeds. Bring some of that "southern speed" to Columbus, Ann Arbor, or Madison.
- How, if at all, to incorporate the bowls - I'd say they should continue as many bowls as possible. Teams not selected into playoffs get to go to bowl games. I don't like the idea of using the bowl games for the first couple of rounds of the playoffs. Bowls and playoffs should be independant of each other, in my opinion.
- How to determine seeding - Make a couple of monkeys mud wrestle to determine seeding. Either that, or use the BCS standings. Or, better yet, have a selection committee (like in basketball).
- How to split the money (and where it's coming from) - The money comes from sponsers. From TV. And some from people buying tickets. For each game your team goes to, you get a share of the profits. Easy as that. If you don't make the playoffs, don't ask for a share of the money. Of course, the conferences will then take your share and split it amongst the conference members. But that's how bowl games work, too, I think.
- When to play the games - Now. Tomorrow. Whenever. I think the national championship game shouldn't change. Keep that January 8, or so. Work backwards from there, each team playing one game a week.