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Cleveland Indians (2013 Season)

Losers gonna lose. Schizophrenic offense + lousy bullpen = struggles against real teams. This is precisely why i refused to get sucked in when they were winning. They'll start winning again when the patsies rotate back around on the schedule.
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Losers gonna lose. Schizophrenic offense + lousy bullpen = struggles against real teams. This is precisely why i refused to get sucked in when they were winning. They'll start winning again when the patsies rotate back around on the schedule.

Zack Meisel ‏@ZackMeisel 6h
Stat of the Day: Indians are 46-43 and 3.5 games out of first place. Last year through 89 games, they were 46-43 and 3.0 games out of first.

...I don't know what to think about this, but I laughed for some reason. All the hoopla and still in same spot as last year.
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Snappy_Jay;2351933; said:
Busted out my old glove and spikes tonight....played catch with the Mrs. for a bit...I think I'll be ready shortly after the break!! Gotta help that bullpen...

so you were the pitcher and the wifey was the catcher, nice.

friendly tip. despite the great fit, women don't like their lady parts being referred to as the old glove.

over the years i have noticed i never have a bad time when i take my pants off. not sure if pants off is the cause of the good times or maybe pants are like kryptonite to good times or maybe it is just a random coincidence. that is why i practice the philosophy of when in doubt, whip it out. just doing research and shit. shame i can't get a government grant to really further my research on the correlation of good times and pants off mode. i suspect the correlation is quite high.
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BIATCHabutuka;2352177; said:
so you were the pitcher and the wifey was the catcher, nice.

friendly tip. despite the great fit, women don't like their lady parts being referred to as the old glove.

over the years i have noticed i never have a bad time when i take my pants off. not sure if pants off is the cause of the good times or maybe pants are like kryptonite to good times or maybe it is just a random coincidence. that is why i practice the philosophy of when in doubt, whip it out. just doing research and shit. shame i can't get a government grant to really further my research on the correlation of good times and pants off mode. i suspect the correlation is quite high.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! During the game last night I loved it when they had to stop the game because a ball got loose from the bullpen. I immediately looked at my wife and said "Perez gettin loose" and then the announcers said "is Perez getting ready?" Then they showed him. Classic!! He had to have thrown that thing 10 feet over the catchers head to clear the wall and get on the field!
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desert_buckeye;2352172; said:
Looks like Danny Salazar will get a call up start for the series finally against Toronto. Can't do any worse than the rotation has done lately, and maybe a fresh face is what this team needs.


Likely an exhibition start for potential trade partners. I will say this...this team needs help badly. The starters have gone 6 or more a grand total of 46 times...take out the number of Masterson starts, and that is a world of shit. Still, if they get a half year rental like Garza for a promising pitcher like Salazar, they will be setting themselves up for failure forever. They aren't going to beat Detroit for the division, and there are 3-4 teams ahead of them in the WC. The other option is a guy under contract like Gallardo, but he has been so damn bad it will be Ubaldo V2.0. I would rather see them get some cheaper bullpen help and see what they can do. Please please PLEASE do not mortgage the entire future of Lindor, Naquin, or Salazar for a glorified bum like Gallardo or a headcase like Garza. PLEASE.
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