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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Boston seems to play better without IT? Is that some kind of emotional wave they're hanging onto that only lasts a game? Either way my point still stands - played way over their heads, Bron played like [Mark May]
and they win on a last second buzzer beater.
Lue said it in the interview after the third...they weren't respecting them. Plus, most of the intensity on defense came from making IT uncomfortable...without that singular focus, the D was atrocious tonight. Fucking goddamned awful.
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Frustrating loss. They were awful tonight. Lue has to take control of the game when they aren't motivated and the opponent is playing well. Boston is known as a tough defensive team, but half of their players are net negative individual defenders. Why are the Cavs not switching screens to get Kyrie on Jerebko or Olynyk? I'm wondering if Kyrie is hurt at this point. He hasn't been attacking like he usually does. He averaged almost 20 shots per game in the regular season. He shot 66% tonight and only took 15. I wanted him to have a 17 point fourth quarter.

Marcus Smart undoubtedly played the best game in his career, and some team will overpay him when he becomes a free agent, but they still should've won this game. The Celtics should never outscore the Cavs in two straight quarters. They now have to board yet another plane to Boston because they couldn't get their shit together in the second half.

We apparently need five games to decide this series for some reason.
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A championship team needs to respond when James is not at his best... and 15 pts still ain't bad

If I was Lue, I would have called for the blitzing of Smart... he was the hottie..

Where has Schump gone? Where has Scump's brain gone?

This slip up could be big... Boston will be energized for the next two...

so Cavs lose the extra rest which will show up vs Warriors

Can you imagine how much money the bookies won yesterday.. HUGE
will give the conspiracy and mob theorists ammo
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From the Warrior's owner to the Cavs as reported by Marcus Thompson.

Marcus Thompson‏Verified account @ThompsonScribe 10m10 minutes ago

Joe Lacob said he wants Cleveland: "We were the better team but they did win. We need a chance to go in there and prove that."

"We were the better team, but they did win."

Let me guess, their owner went to Da U with shit logic like that. GSW wasn't the better team last season. They were better at running their mouths, better at waking the giant known as the King, better at pretending to be Duke and chucking up 70 3s a game. Give me a break. Take the L, and move on. So much pride in these idiots.
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Is anyone else concerned about LeBron's playoff workload at this point? I'm wondering if his game 3 performance was the result of playing 43+ minutes in most of our 10 playoff games rather than a bad night. We should find out whether or not that was the case tonight, but regardless, I'll never understand Ty Lue's rotation. LeBron is 32, it's probably good to have Kyrie run the offensive for a few more minutes while LeBron sits.

We're 10-1 in the playoffs right now. Would we really be worse than 10-3 with him playing 36 minutes a night instead?
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