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Cleveland Cavs (2016 NBA Champions)

Last play of regulation and LeBron is inbounding the ball..............Don't get it, at all.

You have to have Lebron or Love inbound due to their size and passing. Kyrie has as many game winners in his career as Lebron so I think he is your first option if Lebron inbounds the ball. There was always the option for Lebron to inbound and get the ball back for a quick shot. It turned out Love got the shot, which I don't have a problem with. Chicago is one of the best defensive teams and the refs did little to help the Cavs so I'm very happy to get out with the win. I was pretty sure the game was over after the Lebron/Kyrie back to back turnovers.
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Great win. Feels a little cheap given Rose was out for most of the game and Butler was out. But at the same time, the Cavs are a brand new team with a brand new coach that will improve a LOT over the season. I'll call it a push. Round of applause to TT and Lebron. The team looked a lot better than against the Knicks.
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I thought overall Blatt looked a lot better tonight. I like the idea of Thompson getting more minutes than Varejao. Thompson delivered on the offensive glass, but is that enough to make up for his terrible post defense? I'm interested to see what the analytics say about the crunch-time lineups. And Dellavedova over Waiters made no sense to me. Dellavedova is a great presence for 15 minutes a night when Kyrie sits, but I don't understand giving him the 5th most minutes on the team.

Blatt needs to give Marion and Miller more minutes off the bench. I'd really like to see LBJ, Love, and Irving at 35 minutes a night. And I think they need to add a 10th man to the rotation. I'm not sure if that's James Jones, Alex Kirk, or most likely, Joe Harris, but I don't think you can win playing 9 players that much.


LBJ 35
Kyrie 35
Love 35
Thompson 25
Waiters 25
Varejao 25
Marion 20
Miller 20
Dellavedova 10
Harris 10
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Great win. Feels a little cheap given Rose was out for most of the game and Butler was out. But at the same time, the Cavs are a brand new team with a brand new coach that will improve a LOT over the season. I'll call it a push. Round of applause to TT and Lebron. The team looked a lot better than against the Knicks.

It felt like the Bulls had a couple bench guys play out of their mind so it didn't feel cheap to me. Rose is such a baby who knows if he'll even be around at the end of the season.
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Agreed. He was getting abused by Hinrich at the end of regulation. Coupled with the back to back turnovers that exhawg pointed out, I don't know how the Cavs got that game into OT.

Hinrich made shots in that game that he couldn't make alone in an open gym, let alone with delly all over him.

I think you'll see minutes stabilize as the season goes on, but as silly as it is, last night was a pseudo must win.
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Hinrich made shots in that game that he couldn't make alone in an open gym, let alone with delly all over him.

No doubt. And I think I saw that Delly had the best +/- of any Cav last night, for what that's worth.

I think you'll see minutes stabilize as the season goes on, but as silly as it is, last night was a pseudo must win.

Agreed--this team needed a win under its belt (esp. with a 3-game west coast swing up next), and going into the gym of the main East Conf. challenger and coming out with a W is a nice bonus.
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No doubt. And I think I saw that Delly had the best +/- of any Cav last night, for what that's worth.

+15. Love was second with +7. Pretty sure Hinrich and Brooks played the best that they possibly could and it wasn't enough to hold the lead at the end. If Rose and Butler are healthy Hinrich and Brooks probably aren't hitting insane 3's the whole second half.

At least the Cavs get a few days of practice before the west coast swing starts Tuesday to hopefully work on their issues. Be nice if they could put Delly's head on Waiters' body. I didn't notice Waiters being a black hole on offense last night, but that could be because he wasn't on the floor that much. The best thing for the Cavs would be Waiters focusing on playing D and spot up shooting, but the whole team was at it's best last night when the ball didn't hit the floor.
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I liked reading this--Blatt getting on the team after the loss to the Knicks:


Blatt probably knows the Cavs management won't play hardball like Riley in Miami if the team is underperforming and Lebron wants a change like he did early in Miami. He needs to get the team to buy in from the beginning. Even though he's only coached 2 NBA games his decades of experience as a pro HC should help him adjust quickly. Lat night proved that even if the Cavs don't really have it on offense they can win any game. They they can get shots to fall for at least 2 guys a game they will be unstoppable. Last night they had none.
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First game I got to watch all the way through and of course we get our shit kicked in. Waiters couldn't hit the broad side of a barn and LeBron was way off. I'm sure they will develop some cohesion as the season goes on but it looked like a clown show passing the ball and our offense is getting to half court and letting one of Love, Irving, or James possess the ball the entire time and shoot. Plus there is zero defense, wake me up when the playoffs are drawing near I guess...this is why I freaking hate the NBA.
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