Collins and Hightower were probably our (the Pats) best two players on Defense. Collins was an all-pro LB last year.
Trading Collins for a compensatory third/(more likely fourth) round pick when we would have received a third anyway for letting him walk, during the middle of a Super Bowl contending season, while he's still on a $500K rookie contract is quite easily the dumbest - and simultaneously most Belichick - move I've ever seen.
We let Revis go so we would have money for Chandler Jones, Collins, and Hightower. Then we traded Chandler Jones so we would have money to sign Collins and Hightower. Now we traded Collins in the middle of the season for literally nothing at all, in order to make money for whom exactly? Our offense (Brady, Gronk and Edelman) are all on very team friendly contracts. If anyone can rationalize this in the slightest, please call me.