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Cleveland Browns (2012 season)

AuTX Buckeye;2210241; said:
I haven't been able to decide if its a good thing they never show browns games in Texas :P...
Depends on your point of view. I look at their ineptitude as high comedy, so I enjoy watching them for the lolz. If you actually care how they do, it might be a little rough.
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NFBuck;2210242; said:
Around the league, it appears Buffalo, despite spending a fortune in FA, is still Buffalo...

yeah fantasy conflict of interest.... Fred Jackson was my keeper, so i need him to step up, but i have the Jets D....
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AuTX Buckeye;2210244; said:
yeah fantasy conflict of interest.... Fred Jackson was my keeper, so i need him to step up, but i have the Jets D....
Well, Fitzpatrick is still spraying passes to the defense, so Jackson might have a rough day...

Clowns have the lead after a quarter. Somebody get a pic of the scoreboard for posterity.
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NFBuck;2210246; said:
Well, Fitzpatrick is still spraying passes to the defense, so Jackson might have a rough day...

Jet D ... so thats a bonus...

back on topic... but kinda off...
RGIII looks like the REAL Deal vs the Saints... dude looks GOOOD
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