Head Coach
Interesting piece...
The Slow Death of The Cincinnati Enquirer
...The Enquirer newsroom is staffed by young writers, almost none of whom are from Cincinnati, many of whom are just several years out of school, and almost all of whom espouse the view — subconsciously or overtly — that Cincinnati is a second-rate city in need of help — namely, theirs.
But come on, we’re writers. Delusional comes with the territory.
There’s also nothing wrong with being a non-native. Sometimes it lends invaluable outside perspective. This can be good.
What it guarantees, however, is an incomplete understanding of local colloquialism, culture, ideology, and — most of all — history.
The Enquirer archives were floor-to-ceiling full of old print papers and photos — so much history on Cincinnati it would make your head spin. There were amazing old original photos of everything from Nixon to The Beatles to the Big Red Machine and the World Series.
It was all neglected to the point of irrelevance. A colleague actually once asked me what the Big Red Machine was. Shunned to the corner, the archivist staff was cut down to one part-timer. Sadly, it was more than adequate. No one learned. We didn’t have time to smell the old ink. We were too busy writing content. Content, content, all the time. Never a moment to pause. Never a moment to proof-read. (Take a look at any recent Enquirer article for typo-ridden evidence.)...
A sad situation. This article from Governing magazine is semi-on point as well (http://www.governing.com/columns/eco-engines/gov-winner-take-all-economy.html), as I think that the attitude of the outsiders reflects aspirations of Coastal elite city "coolness" that isn't going to happen in Cincy or a myriad of similarly-sized (and larger) cities.