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2025 CA LB Noah Karim Mikhail (Texas A&M Verbal)

Ohio State offers 2025 five-star linebacker, makes the cut for pair of 2024 targets​

The Buckeyes kept their fast and furious recruiting approach on Thursday by sending out a new offer in the 2025 class.

Defensive coordinator Jim Knowles has always been a linebacker guy at heart, but when it comes to recruiting he’d even admit that’s he would rather deal with schematics and game planning in comparison to having to be constantly in communication with his top targets.

Fortunately for Ohio State, the Buckeyes were able to bring home former star, James Laurinaitis to help coach the linebacker spot for one, but also to really aid in recruiting. Though he’s not able to travel due to NCAA rules with his specific position, when prospects are on campus Laurinaitis goes to work, and it’s been going well to say the least.

Like Brian Hartline, Laurinaitis brings not only Ohio State experience to the table, but also first-hand NFL success that really translates to what a young recruit needs to hear. Doing everything he’s been asked to at a high level since his arrival in Columbus, the Buckeyes are going to continue leaning on his efforts when targeting linebackers. It looks like another one will now be getting some attention from James, as Ohio State sent out their latest linebacker offer on Thursday in the 2025 class.

A 6-foot-3, 205 pound athlete, Mikhail is only a high school sophomore, but has all of the accolades to show why Ohio State is interested. The No. 28 player nationally, Mikhail is the third-best linebacker in the class and the sixth-best player in California for the 2025 cycle per the 247Sports Composite.
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Texas A&M lands 4-star linebacker Noah Mikhail for 2025 class​

Mike Elko and Texas A&M landed another defensive standout in the 2025 class Sunday with a commitment from four-star outside linebacker Noah Mikhail, a two-way player from La Verne, California.
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