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Game Thread Buffalo Bulls at tOSU, Aug 31, 12 ET, ESPN2

No National Championship this year in my view.. Defense has major issues. Offense is inconsistent. vaunted Oline didnt look that way today.

First game of the season guys with a lot on new guys and young mistakes. As the year progresses, hopefully the mistakes are less and the D molds together. Plus the suspensions and injuries aren't contributing well today. May not be this year but you never know. Talent is there.
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I wouldn't read too much into today, to be honest. First game slop (correctable), heat and hydration issues (not going to see this heat regularly), missing key defensive players, our top power runner, and two new lines have to gel.

There's a lot to work on, but this team is going to grow and be scary. I feel good.

We all got on a crazy high when our offense looked like a 14yo was playing NCAA online and cheesing, that's why the reality of the struggles was harder to bear. It's is a solid win.
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