I really don't understand the people who say he has an anti-OSU bias. My biggest problem with him is that he is sometimes a Buckeye homer to an embarrassing degree.
Apart from that, my only problem with him is that he sometimes hypes things a little too much. I liked him best very early in his career (relatively speaking) when he did very little hyping. Then, one season about 20 years ago, he turned into the biggest hypster in the business overnight. Those who remember the abrupt transition as keenly as I do would agree that he's not quite as bad as that now.
Then of course, there is the matter of doing play-by-play. Most people simply have no idea how difficult this is. Do you EVER use words like uh, um, ah, er, or like, whatever, youknowwhatImean??? When you're an announcer, those words cost you money. Try being responsible for filling air time for 3 and a half hours and always having something to say, and never using "filler sounds". It is far from easy. Most people who criticize booth talent would be absolute train-wrecks in the booth themselves. I bring all of this up because it is in this under-rated aspect of announcing that Musberger excels.
Sure, he is beginning to misidentify things here and there. But for a very long time he has been one of the best. You don't get to call the Rose Bowl if you suck.