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Boston Celtics (18x NBA champions)

You know things are going very well when Vegas won't even take futures bets to win the title this year. I wanted to make a bet this week and Cesaers wasn't taking any. They only offered "best finish" odds on every other team - the Celts were off the board.
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What a season...brings back memories of the old days. Who knows what the playoffs will bring but after the losing seasons seeing the green and white sitting atop the conference is a sight for sore eyes. :biggrin:
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Celtics pull starters in fourth, coast by Bucks

BOSTON (AP) -- The Celtics and Bucks are both planning for the future: Boston is resting up for the playoffs, and Milwaukee is looking even further ahead.
Rajon Rondo had 16 points and 10 assists and the Celtics coasted to a 102-86 victory over Milwaukee on Friday night. The Bucks made more moves off the court than on it: They announced the hiring of former Pistons vice president John Hammond as general manager during the third quarter.

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Big Three able to rest up as Celtics take care of Knicks

NEW YORK (AP) -- If these are Isiah Thomas' last days on the Knicks' bench, he needs one more win to avoid joining the losingest coaches in team history.
Even with their three All-Stars resting, the Boston Celtics beat New York 99-93 on Monday night in what may have been Thomas' final home game as Knicks coach.

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66-16......what a season.


4. How good is Boston, really?
A lot better than you might think. Most observers look at the East and see the Celtics as a really good team who may or may not get past Detroit in the conference finals.
Wake up, folks -- this is one of the best teams of all time, and you might be surprised how easily they roll through the playoffs. I realize this is raining on the parade a bit since everybody is so jacked up about the competition in store this postseason, but I have to warn you there's a chance the Celtics are just going to flat-out destroy everybody.
Boston went 66-16, one of the best marks in league history, but even that mark sells the Celtics short. At 10.3 points per game, they had the scoring margin of a 70-win team. That scoring margin is better than all but three teams since the ABA-NBA merger, and those teams all had Michael Jordan. By contrast, last season the Spurs had a scoring margin of 7.8 ppg, and that was easily the best mark in the league.

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Buried by Beantown? Here come the Celtics

For fans sick of all the success out of Boston, we've got some bad news


Charles Krupa / AP
Boston Celtics forward Paul Pierce winks during his team's season finale on Wednesday. Maybe he know something about his team's hopes in the playoffs.

By Tom Curran
updated 3:31 a.m. ET, Thurs., April. 17, 2008

So, had enough of The Hub yet? Boston ? the self-styled Athens of America, a place known for higher learning and chowder-thick accents ? has been the epicenter of American sports in this millennium.
First it was the Patriots morphing from NFL punch line to full-fledged Goliath, with Super Bowl wins in 2001, 2003 and 2004 before a perfectly flawed 2007 campaign that will be revisited for decades.

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Well, we didn't have a 2006/2007 Celtics thread on BP.

Does it really matter? The C's were bad for so long, the fans would be right to stay away. The fans of any team would do the same if their team was bad.
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Brutus1;893010; said:
I'm selling. They'll be improved, but not the conference finals. Rondo hasn't done much yet. Their depth will be non-existant and their bench is going to be weak.

For the Celts fans, they'll be fun to watch, untill the playoffs. If Rivers rides the big three hard during the regular season, they'll peter out in the playoffs.

You, sir, are an idiot!!!!!

In the words of Arthur Fonzarelli " I was wrrrrrrr..."
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