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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)


FSU files appeal in NCAA misconduct case


Florida State officials cited the NCAA’s handling of previous cases, including the Infractions Appeals Committee’s recent reversal of a vacating-wins penalty handed down to Oklahoma, in its own case for appeal submitted on Thursday.

The university repeated its original stance that the penalty calling for the vacating of wins in multiple sports is excessive. FSU, in its 28-page appeal that also includes numerous letters and documents, pointed to its cooperation with the NCAA during the academic-misconduct case that involved 61 student-athletes and an on-line music course over three semesters.

The Committee of Infractions ruled on March 6 that FSU must vacate wins in which ineligible student-athletics participated representing 10 sports in the fall of 2006 and 2007 and the spring of 2007. FSU also received a four-year probation among other sanctions but the vacation of wins is the only penalty FSU is appealing.

FSU cited in its appeal a number of steps it took upon being made aware of possible violations. They included voiding the online music class for all student-athletes enrolled in it during the three semesters in question – meaning they had to retake the course in the spring semester of 2008. The university, in working with the NCAA Student-Athlete Reinstatement Staff, penalized involved student-athletes 30 percent of competition.

The appeal was submitted and signed by former Tallahassee administrative judge William E. Williams of the GrayRobinson law firm and Stacey Karpinski of The Compliance Group, a consulting group that assisted FSU prepare for its self-report and hearing before the NCAA in this case.

The report concludes:

"The Committee on Infractions did not discuss or specify the weight it accorded to the University's exemplary cooperation and corrective action. As in the University of Oklahoma case, this omission warrants vacation of the penalty.

"In addition, the violations were primarily confined to a single course, arose from confusion regarding the examination procedures adopted by temporary professors, and unfairly penalizes innocent student-athletes and coaches. The University, moreover, acted pursuant to its belief that an agreement with the NCAA strictly limited the period of ineligibility to which culpable student-athletes would be subjected to 30 percent of one season of competition.

"Finally, even if this Committee upholds the vacation penalty, it should not require the reconfiguration of the records of innocent head coaches -- a penalty that falls solely on innocent parties -- just as it does not require vacation of the individual records of innocent student-athletes."

Dadgum it, boahs will be boahs, and cheatin' will be cheatin', but ah want my dadgum wins even if ah did let 'em cheat to stay eligible like!!
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The bloody arrogance. Innocent coaches. Bowden is anything but innocent.


Does Mr Free Shoes U look innocent to you? Exactly.
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A rather humorous look...(link)
Florida State Gets NCAA Probation - Must Forfeit Scholarships, Wins, Jen Sterger

The NCAA has placed Florida State University on a 4-year probation after concluding a review of their academic scandal from fall of 2006 through summer 2007. Student athletes, including a lot of FSU football players, cheated on tests and papers over that time period. Those enrolled in an online music education course accepted exam answers from "tutors" and turned in papers written for them by others. In all, over 60 FSU athletes were found involved.

FSU's 4-year probation means they will lose a significant number of scholarships in several sports and must vacate wins over the past several football seasons. They must also forfeit any game attended by Jen Sterger's cleavage in which she improperly offered motor-boating trips to opposing players. This could put a significant dent in FSU's record over the 2006 and 2007 seasons. FSU may be forced to vacate 7 wins in both '06 and '07 in which cheating players and Jen's flotation devices actively participated.

Florida State coach Bobby Bowden was ready to enter spring football practices with 382 career wins, trailing Penn State coach Joe Paterno by one win in the race for the nation's winningest college football coach. Now he will be behind by 15 wins, DOH! Bowden claimed he didn't know anything about the academic scandal and that he doesn't even know the names of the players involved as he hasn't actively coached the team since 1989. When asked about Jen Stergers breasts, Bowden admitted he was actively involved in that part of the scandal and had accepted multiple free motor-boating excursions.

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I'd just like to point out that Bobby's current 'win total' of 382 includes a forfeit by Tulane of their 34-28 result over FSU in 1983. The NCAA later ruled that Tulane had to forfeit that game due to playing 1 ineligible student-athlete.

Paterno and Penn State, incidentally, declined to be given a forfeit win in the 1972 Sugar Bowl, a 0-14 loss to Oklahoma in which the Sooners used 2 ineligible players. Oklahoma still claims a win for that game (and several others that year in which they used a player determined by the Big Eight to be ineligible).


FSU, despite having a reported 23 football players involved in the academic scandal, is trying to have everthing go both ways in their favor in a desperate attempt to get Bowden the record. And the integrity of their university is clearly secondary to Bobby's chance at the wins record in the eyes of the University President, T.K. Wetherell. He's the guy that played football at FSU (before Bobby got there), and a few weeks ago called the academic institution where Bowden attended and previously coached a 'dipshit school'.


I'll be very disappointed in the NCAA doesn't deny FSU's appeal and tell them to get busy with determining the ineligible players and how many games are going to be forfeited, or be subject to further sanctions.
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BB73;1455756; said:
I'd just like to point out that Bobby's current 'win total' of 382 includes a forfeit by Tulane of their 34-28 result over FSU in 1983. The NCAA later ruled that Tulane had to forfeit that game due to playing 1 ineligible student-athlete.

Paterno and Penn State, incidentally, declined to be given a forfeit win in the 1972 Sugar Bowl, a 0-14 loss to Oklahoma in which the Sooners used 2 ineligible players. Oklahoma still claims a win for that game (and several others that year in which they used a player determined by the Big Eight to be ineligible).


FSU, despite having a reported 23 football players involved in the academic scandal, is trying to have everthing go both ways in their favor in a desperate attempt to get Bowden the record. And the integrity of their university is clearly secondary to Bobby's chance at the wins record in the eyes of the University President, T.K. Wetherell. He's the guy that played football at FSU (before Bobby got there), and a few weeks ago called the academic institution where Bowden attended and previously coached a 'dip[censored] school'.


I'll be very disappointed in the NCAA doesn't deny FSU's appeal and tell them to get busy with determining the ineligible players and how many games are going to be forfeited, or be subject to further sanctions.

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Bobbah had shingles in the offseason, and has lost feeling in the left side of his face.

And although some say he doesn't care about the wins record, Bobbah wants to try to count 22 wins from South Georgia Junior College, from 1956-58.


Bowden looks to close legacy with one final trick


"He could care less whether those games are forfeited," quarterback Christian Ponder said. "So we could care less. We know it might hurt to lose the Joe Paterno thing but we already know Coach Bowden is one of the greatest coaches in college football."

It's obvious to anyone who has watched that for years Florida State (like Penn State) has been run by the staff. The difference is FSU has a plan. Fisher already is doing head-coaching "stuff" like going out in the summer and speaking to boosters.

Meanwhile, Bobby is hatching one final trick play. This one involves digging up what he says are 22 victories earned while he was coach at South Georgia Junior College from 1956-58. Asterisk that, NCAA.

"I've got to get put in the grave here one of these days ... " Bowden said. "It don't count to them. It does to me."
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Eh, let the silly bastard have his record, he's going to find a way to get it no matter what, even if he has to count Pee Wee wins his sons had, and the NCAA isn't going to do anything to him if they haven't for the last 30 years. Everyone outside of Florida State knows what kind of program he ran anyway.
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Bowden eyes one last national title

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Florida State's Bobby Bowden says he wants one more national title before retirement.

At the annual football media day, Bowden said Sunday he believes the Seminoles are rebuilt and ready to win another national championship. He has two years to deliver before his successor-in-waiting, Jimbo Fisher, takes over in January 2011.

"Definitely I want to win a national championship again," said the 79-year-old Bowden, who enters his 34th season at Florida State. "I wish I could leave here on top."

Bowden's 1993 and 1999 teams won national titles. The Seminoles narrowly missed another half dozen times between 1987 and 2000, often denied by rival Miami.

The coaches are also bringing back a slogan from the undefeated 1999 Seminoles team that won the national title: "It's Not About Me ... It's About Us."

Cont'd ...
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Let me do some quick math in my head....he's 79....now factor in the current state of FSU's program...subtract some for UF dominating instate recruiting...account for the USF and UCF factor....carry the one.......

You are pretty well fucked Bobby.
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