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Bobby Bowden (dadgummit)

Best Buckeye;1042832; said:
I figure thats the only reason Bobby signed up for another year BB, to stay ahead of JoePa in the win column.

Staying ahead might not be on the table for long. The buzz down here is that FSU may be forced to forfeit a handful of games. The primary reason that concerns the locals is that it would make it practically impossible for BB to catch back up with JP. (That makes sense considering that they didn't really accomplish anything this year)
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Bobby has a new boss.


Florida State tabs Spetman as new AD

Tallahassee, FL (Sports Network) - Florida State has named Randy Spetman its new athletic director.

Spetman had been the athletic director at Utah State since July 1, 2004 and previously served in the same role at the Air Force Academy, his alma mater, from 1996-2003.

"Florida State University is one of the finest college athletics programs in the nation," said Spetman in a release. "To be asked to serve as its athletics director is a great compliment, and I was thrilled to accept. I proudly served my country for many years with honor, commitment and pride. And I now look forward to bringing my skills as an athletics director to this university and serving Florida State University with the same honor, commitment and pride."

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ESPN - Bowden downplays retirement talk, stresses need for results - College Football
ESPN.com said:
Bowden downplays retirement talk, stresses need for results

The start of recent college football seasons has brought the same question for Florida State's Bobby Bowden -- is this his last campaign?

Bowden turns 79 in November and has a named successor, Seminoles offensive coordinator Jimbo Fisher, waiting in the wings once he decides he's had enough.

But Bowden, whose 373 victories are the most in Division I college football history -- one more than Penn State's Joe Paterno -- is not done yet.

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NFBuck;1212936; said:
It's like him and JoePa are playing an elderly game of chicken. Reminds me of a scene in 'Arrested Development' where Buster and Gob play an excruciatingly slow game of chicken on construction equipment only for neither man to win as the equipment moved so slow, when they met, they just...stopped.

You have no idea NF.....you'd hope these guys would understand the damage they do by staying too long, but at some point they waited too long where they don't even understand the damage they are causing.

Bobby should be ina retirement home possibly. He used to call Lorenzo Booker, Amp. As in Amp Lee. A RB in the early 90's. I'm glad he's still alive and kicking but how much worse can it get?

Crapping yourself on the sideline?
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billmac91;1212954; said:
You have no idea NF.....you'd hope these guys would understand the damage they do by staying too long, but at some point they waited too long where they don't even understand the damage they are causing.

Bobby should be ina retirement home possibly. He used to call Lorenzo Booker, Amp. As in Amp Lee. A RB in the early 90's. I'm glad he's still alive and kicking but how much worse can it get?

Crapping yourself on the sideline?

I actually feel for you Bill. I have two good Nole buddies who are literally sick to their stomachs when I tell them that I want Bobbah to coach for ten more years. "Go JoePa" is a Gator Battle Cry, 'cause it means Bobby will keep slugging away.

This is mean, but Gator Nation now watches the Bobby Bowden show regularly, just to laugh at the guy. I understand there is some drinking game with rules on his drawing blanks and mis-naming players, or when he calls them by their jersey number as in "Numbah 5 ran the ball well..."
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"The Seminoles have lost 12 games in two seasons but darn it, nine have been by eight points or less, and so Bowden says one star player could make the difference. Bowden said the team's finish this season might influence his retirement decision but "I hate to get pinned down by numbers in case it happens."

In other words it's not fair for Bowden to stay at FSU and run a mediocre program, but he gets to decide what mediocre means. You can say that's his right considering what he's done for the program since 1976 but, darn it, it's time to move on.

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Gatorubet;1227858; said:
"The Seminoles have lost 12 games in two seasons but darn it, nine have been by eight points or less, and so Bowden says one star player could make the difference. Bowden said the team's finish this season might influence his retirement decision but "I hate to get pinned down by numbers in case it happens."

That sounds a whole heck of a lot like Joe Pa's "10 games by 15 points" statement.
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FSU waiting to hear on highly touted transfer's eligibility

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Florida State is still waiting to hear whether highly touted junior college transfer Tavares Pressley will be eligible to play this fall, offensive coordinator Jimbo Fisher said after Tuesday's practice.

Florida State is waiting to receive transcripts from the tailback's last school, El Camino Community College. Fisher said he hopes Pressley will be able to practice Wednesday.

"Well if we can get him cleared and get him in (he will)," Fisher said. "We just have to hope and pray. Everything (is OK) supposedly. Until it all ends, I never count anything. Supposedly everything should be OK."

Defensive end Kevin McNeil practiced for the first time this fall on Tuesday. While the team had its first day of full contact, McNeil just participated in separate conditioning drills. McNeil, who missed all of last season because of his role in the school's academic cheating scandal, was held out for the first four days of practice while he got his academic situation in order.

Fisher also said that linebacker Rodney Gallon is no longer on the team. Gallon, who would have been a senior, played in 29 games for the Seminoles but only started in one.

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Looks like any early season suspensions for the 'Noles could be costly this season.


Miami-FSU returns to prime time

(AP) -- After a two-year hiatus, the annual Miami-Florida State game is back in prime time.

The Hurricanes visit the Seminoles in Tallahassee, Fla. on Sept. 7 -- Labor Day night -- this season, giving the Atlantic Coast Conference a marquee matchup to open the 2009 campaign.

The new ACC schedule came out Thursday.

Miami and Florida State played the college version of Monday Night Football to start the 2005 and 2006 seasons, with the Seminoles winning each by three points. The game was back in its customary October slot the past two years.

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