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Biggest Impact Freshman? Clarett or Ginn

Ginn & Juice

I enjoy home-made ice cream
Who does everyone think the had the biggest as a freshman between Clarett and Ginn? I am gonna go with Clarett on this one. For 1 reason....

1. National Championship

The buckeyes would have not even played in the 2003 championship game if Clarett did not play on the team. Granted, Craig Krenzel was also a major contributor along with the silver bullets....Ginn's stats were more eyepopping than Claretts' but Clarett started from the day he stepped on campus...

Your thoughts!
clarett, and it's not even close. ginn is a greater player, but maurice had the most impact due to the importance of his position. he totally lit a fire under that team in the early going, giving them the confidence that they were able to use late in the season when he wasn't playing. that run against wazzou where he knocked over the 2 defenders on one play (why the hell doesn't espn ever show that during all their countless clarett stories... they always have him scoring against like san jose st from 1 yd out) was a great symbol for how the buckeyes were back and ready to rock. the guy had 230 yds against the pac-10 champions, enough said. the entire horseshoe was chanting his name, that never happened to teddy, though it will very soon.
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The Buckeyes would have lost to scUM this year if it wasn't for Ginn, but the 2002 Buckeyes would have lost to WSU, Wisconsin (maybe?), scUM, and possibly Miami (well...they wouldn't even have been there) without MoC.
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I wouldn't necessarily say they would have lost, but his two huge PR's (one for a TD) took the wind out of scUM's sails... plus he had a ton of 3rd down catches for first downs.
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wow thats pretty easy. MoC by a lot... its not a question of talent. MoC was an impact player from game 1. ginn from game 6ish. MoC began the season as a guy who had a significant role in the team. ginn didn't until the tail end of the season. ginn's position change and its timing really makes this open and shut. though im fairly certain ginn will have a MUCH better soph season :wink:.
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I think MoC changed the Bucks from a 3-loss team (Michigan, Wisconsin, and probably another game.. Washington State, maybe?) to an undefeated team in 2002.

TG really only changed the course of 1 game: Michigan State. He made great plays (punt returns, receptions, etc.) in other games, but I think the Bucks still would have beat Indiana, Penn State, and Michigan without him.

MoC had the bigger impact as a freshman.
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Zurp said:
I think MoC changed the Bucks from a 3-loss team (Michigan, Wisconsin, and probably another game.. Washington State, maybe?) to an undefeated team in 2002.

TG really only changed the course of 1 game: Michigan State.
I agree with this post. As much as I loved watching Teddy last year and as much as I think Clarett's a punk now, it's not even close -- Clarett definitely had the bigger impact. As a sidenote, I'm traveling to Pullman, WA next week and I'm wearing my Bucks' gear all week long, just to remind them of that beat down we handed them in '02 when they came into the Shoe a ranked team and left as a demoralized, shell of a former contender.
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ArtilleryBuck said:
MoC. By the way...how many here still have a #13 jersey from that year? I have mine. Could never part with it.... since I wore it at the Fiesta when we won the NC.
boy i'm glad i bought a doss jersey the summer before that year and couldn't afford to have 2 at one time :biggrin:
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