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Big Ten official allegedly tied to gambling, abuse


an imbecility, a stupidity without name
Rivals.com College Football - Big Ten official's background raises questions

A Big Ten football officiating team that came under scrutiny for its performance in two conference games last month was led by a crew chief with a history of bankruptcy, casino gambling, child abuse and allegations of sexual harassment, a Yahoo! Sports investigation has revealed.

The revelations about the Big Ten referee, Stephen Pamon, come four months after an NBA referee pleaded guilty to felony charges stemming from allegations he bet on NBA games in which he officiated and provided inside information to high-stakes gamblers.
The Big Ten can get rid of an official with only one good eye (remember the story about how Lloyd Carr wanted the guy dumped), but they keep a guy

with a history of bankruptcy, casino gambling, child abuse and allegations of sexual harassment
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I think the most damning thing about this guy is not that he filed bankruptcy. People file bankruptcy all the time. That's no big deal. What is a big deal is that this guy's liabilities were over $400,000, with a lot of it being owed to casinos. Wow. That's a gambling problem. The article says that the guy never had money on games he called, and I just hope that holds up. If he did bet on games, that's the only thing that could make this thing worse.
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This story keeps getting worse and worse, it was bad enough when it came out that the crew was facing certain suspensions when they officiated the Illinois game. Now this is going to be a black eye for the Big 10 office. The real question is not going to be about what happens with the official but what the Conference does in house for letting what appears to be a HUGE mistake occur right in front of them. Just keep our fingers crossed that this doesn't get any worse, but I have a really really bad feeling right now.
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ScarletBlood31;1032436; said:
Man, it's a good thing that tOSU somehow made it back to the BCS Championship.

I don't think I could let that one go if the season ended that way.

It is a bitter enough pill to swallow that we lost that game as it is. If that loss would have cost tOSU a title shot with how bad the officiating was and with what is coming out now we would have a huge black cloud hanging over our conference right now.

Along these lines alot of WVU fans that I have been talking to online have been throwing around some stories about an investigation into some very suspicious bets placed at the last minute on the PITT - WVU game, one was for 2 million dollars alone. I'm going to do some digging around and see if I can find some more info but apparently the Big East has been investigating since the day after and has been looking into possible official and player connections. I had passed some of it off as the WVU fans disappointment over Rich Rod leaving, but this development sure makes me think this wouldn't shock me at all now.
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The remarkable thing is that this story is running somewhat under the radar right now - we shall see if it gains momentum in the next couple of days, and the higher profile it merits.

Notably it is not seen on ESPN right now - nor on si.com, though in an ironic twist Illinois at Ohio State is ranked the number 8 upset of the year by them.
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At least the article mentioned the fact that Illinois' first drive and score was very controversial, because other than this article, I haven't seen anyone point this out... but then again, why do so it's just Ohio State right? :roll1:

I'm tired of crap like this flying under the radar in the national media and other crap that is so inane be played out beyond belief!
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