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jwinslow;1221896; said:
One thing worth noting: $5/mo per receiver (not counting the first), which are typically free. I didn't need them with TW.

That's not entirely true. First of all, that info only applies if TWC adds BTN to it's analog tier, which is doubtful. Second, even if they do add it to an analog tier, those that want to see the channel in HD, will need converter boxes that cost a lot more than satellite. Finally, even if they add it to their analog tier and you don't want the channel in HD, the extra games every Saturday will be digital only, which once again, you would need a converter box to receive. I hope this confusing piece of information clears things up. :)
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Bestbuck36;1222307; said:
Move. I did.

Glad it worked for you. It isn't, however, reasonable for all. I'm glad you now understand that and can accept it and move on.

In other, related news - lots of folks looking forward to BTN showing Buckeyes practice preview tomorrow night. Kinda wish they did the Bucks later in the practice schedule so that there might be more to chew on.
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CHU;1223692; said:
Wait, you're saying the Big Ten Network can find time in between replaying the 2007 Ohio State-Illinois game :biggrin:
What is disappointing is the lack of HD (on DTV anyway). ILL-OSU is in HD, but almost everything is not. The 06 UM-OSU game is in HD size (full green space on either side of scoreboard), but downsampled to SD quality :smash:

Is it like this for others?
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jwinslow;1223698; said:
What is disappointing is the lack of HD (on DTV anyway). ILL-OSU is in HD, but almost everything is not. The 06 UM-OSU game is in HD size (full green space on either side of scoreboard), but downsampled to SD quality :smash:

Is it like this for others?

Soooo not like this for me.

The vast majority of BTN programming is in crystal clear HD for me. Before you ask, I'm not one of those people who has to ask if a picture is in HD when they see it. It boggles my mind that there are such people...

As for the practice: I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I saw no reason to be anything but excited about the season.
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The vast majority of BTN programming is in crystal clear HD for me. Before you ask, I'm not one of those people who has to ask if a picture is in HD when they see it. It boggles my mind that there are such people...
Huh. DirecTV is switching channels for the BTN HD, perhaps that plays a role in it. Their new programming is in crystal clear HD (BTT, Mendenhall's road to NFL, etc), just not 75% of the game replays (which I know were shot in HD).
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jwinslow;1223787; said:
Huh. DirecTV is switching channels for the BTN HD, perhaps that plays a role in it. Their new programming is in crystal clear HD (BTT, Mendenhall's road to NFL, etc), just not 75% of the game replays (which I know were shot in HD).

I wonder if the Disney family of networks is just not letting them show the HD version. I may be way off base here... just idle speculation
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DaddyBigBucks;1223791; said:
I wonder if the Disney family of networks is just not letting them show the HD version. I may be way off base here... just idle speculation
It might be. Have you watched any recent espn HD replays during this offseason in full HD?
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DaddyBigBucks;1223784; said:
As for the practice: I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. I saw no reason to be anything but excited about the season.

Agreed. Did you catch a couple of shots right before breaks of passes to Beanie? Ball hit hands... ball tucked... he gone. Man he looks faster than any back at tOSU in a LONG time.

Very favorable statements made about the team throughout the 'cast. They do look good. I like our chances. We'll need the leadership to step up when it gets close in a couple of games, which I'm sure it will and they will, but I do like how we look at this point.


Oh... and might someone inform the tBTN that a certain DB was granted release? I had to rewind when I saw EC's name srcroll by... :shake:
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