This is the final time I will make this point. ESPN is valued at $2.91, the BTN is $1.10. This is not "ESPN" money, it's not even close. I gave you another example, Philly Comcast. I can provide another in the Comcast cluster, Mid Atlantic, which is valued at $1.95. The point is that it's not that pricey when you compare it to other sports properties. You can't compare it to the weather channel, it's not a valid comparison. Sports channels are pricey, and the cable industry is well aware of that. For those that contend it's lackluster or even "shitty", as an OSU fan I would not agree. The BTN will have 25% of the season in football and a lot of OSU basketball. It will also have old OSU games to record, something I am looking forward to a lot. The biggest concern of the major cable comanies isn't the BTN, it's the trend toward even more of these conferernce TV deals. That's why you see Comcast drawing this line in the sand. I'm done debating the merits of the cost of the BTN.