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DaddyBigBucks;1011322; said:
wow, just wow

EXTREME niche channels with very low viewership pay the basic rate for getting on the air (10cents per subscriber is typical). Some of them even allow the service providers (cable companies et.al.) to carry them for free, just so they can get their advertising on the air.

Your bill therefore goes up very little or not at all when such things are added.

And if it did (which it obviously does not), would this help YOUR argument???

Lighten up, master. That's why I used :biggrin: at the end of the sentence.
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buckeyesin07;1011401; said:
The fact that you seem to think that these parties are arguing with all the sophistication and foresight of two elementary school kids on the playground shows only that you have never been involved in (nor, apparently, can appreciate the financial considerations of) a high- (or even mid-) level negotiation of any kind. Think about it.
Where did DBB say that in this?
DaddyBigBucks;1011315; said:
The results of the negotiation prove only that both parties are cutting off their noses to spite their face. Both parties are losing because they have become emotional about this. The fact that you seem to believe that both parties would simply analyze the demand for the various products and negotiate accordingly, using only logic as their guide, shows only that you have never been involved in a high- (or even mid-) level negotiation of any kind. These kinds of things are every bit as affected by emotion as the purchase of a car or any other consumer good.

Sounds like you had to put words in his mouth, words he did not use, to provide the premise for your response. Evidently simply hearing the message of what DBB wrote was too difficult for you - though I fail to see why that should be so.

After all, you are both - between the lines saying that BOTH emotion AND hard logic / dollars play a role in any tough business negotiation.
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Bottom line is we the customers are the ones who get screwed no matter which side you sit on.

If you don't want or like the BTN well get ready because eventually you wil pay of it and if not the BTN then some other niche program that you don;t want.

If you want the BTN, currently you either move providers or suffer. I switched to Dish about 2 months ago because I was disgusted waiting for TW and did not buy their line of BS they were handing out the their customers.

It is will ultimently cost me about $15 more a month when the promotion run out. Am I happy about that? Hell no I am flat pissed but CFB is big business now and I think it will only get worse.

I am not delusional about either side either. TW wants to keep its profits where they are. They don't want the backlash of having to raise rates because of the BTN.

Problem is like I have said before their arguement is moot since there are plenty of channels I don;t want that I am forced to pay for. Throw on top of that their horrible customer service which only proves they don't give a damn about their customers and I was more than hapy to go tell them where to stick their TV package.

The BTN is in it to make money for the big ten schools. Not like they don;t make enough already but hey what business (it is a business whether you like it or not) doesn't want to make more money. It just pisses me off that it always has to be at my expense for something that I truely enjoy and love watching.

On the plus side for then BTN is though, they are making sure I see the games rather than letting ESPN stick it on some crap new stations they are trying to get off the ground because 14 ESPNs are not enough I guess. They are also promoting the Big 10 and other sports. So I wil back that over corproate TW every time.
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BuckeyeSoldier;1011443; said:
Seriously you guys havent figured out that buckeyesin07 works for TW yet? this is one of the most obvious trolls ive ever seen....

That would be the lazy thinker's conclusion, I suppose. I can assure you I am an employee of neither TWC nor any other cable company. I am just a consumer who is tired of being subject to the latest money grab. Last year it was ESPNU, this year it's the BTN. What will it be next year?
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I am just a consumer who is tired of being subject to the latest money grab.
So you prefer the cable company money grabs without any apparent boost in service? I guess I side with the companies which actually try to provide new services & channels.
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buckeyesin07;1012093; said:
That would be the lazy thinker's conclusion, I suppose. I can assure you I am an employee of neither TWC nor any other cable company. I am just a consumer who is tired of being subject to the latest money grab. Last year it was ESPNU, this year it's the BTN. What will it be next year?

I think we can actually agre that as a consumer I am tired of it too. I realize though it is the way it is going and there really isn't a ton I am going to about it.

8 years ago I refused to pay for TV. now I am paying 70-80 a month for it. It sucks but it is not just the BTN or anybody elses fault they all share a blame in it.
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jwinslow;1012100; said:
So you prefer the cable company money grabs without any apparent boost in service? I guess I side with the companies which actually try to provide new services & channels.

In this case, I side with the cable companies. Look, I agree that the cable companies rightly deserve a lot of the criticism that is generally directed at them. However, if it weren't for the BTN coming along and trying to grab their piece of the pie, I would have been able to see all OSU football games this year on my cable package instead of missing 4 games. Same goes for this basketball season.
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Inelasticity: Just curious how much people think that BTN is going to be watched in April - August?
I performed very poorly in my lone economics class, but I would guess that the elasticity of a product would be measured throughout the entire year. If we are going to take products and pick and choose when to measure things, then I would like to claim that pumpkins are the most demanded product in the country. I'm using data from October of this year.
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BuckeyeNation27;1012200; said:
I performed very poorly in my lone economics class, but I would guess that the elasticity of a product would be measured throughout the entire year. If we are going to take products and pick and choose when to measure things, then I would like to claim that pumpkins are the most demanded product in the country. I'm using data from October of this year.

I think (although I could be wrong) that he meant exactly what you are saying, namely that the elasticity of demand for the BTN is properly determined only by looking at how many people want it during the low demand portions of the year (spring and summer) as well as the high (fall). I doubt that anyone will be begging their cable companies to add the BTN in June.
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buckeyesin07;1012212; said:
I think (although I could be wrong) that he meant exactly what you are saying, namely that the elasticity of demand for the BTN is properly determined only by looking at how many people want it during the low demand portions of the year (spring and summer) as well as the high (fall). I doubt that anyone will be begging their cable companies to add the BTN in June.

no they won't and we know the demand went down after the FBall season started too. It will fire up again now that BBall is getting started and then die down again.

It is a fair question to ask but in reality what is the demand for just about any station at that time. Like was said unless you enjoy watching reruns there is a not a big demand for many stations at that time.
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