bad news, guys.
i've had a change of heart and no longer feel like texas should head your direction.
i mean if the big ten's premier team this year can't beat oregon, the whole thing just loses a lot of luster for me. i'm sure you understand.
huh? look again? oh. my bad. i was looking at the rankings not the score. we're back on. : )
congrats for a nice win over a good team! part 1 of the sec/pac-10 beatdown is in the books.
in honor of your accomplishment, i dug out some pics i shot of the shoe last year when i was passing through. i was short on time and the pics show it, but a little spiffing and they turned out better than i thought they would. well, ok, the digging out pics isn't so hot an honor, but i'm not through. i uploaded them onto my panoramio page, so they will show up on google earth and google maps in a few weeks . . . if you like them.
i'll give you the links to them, so give me thumbs up/down to tell me if they should stay. i am happy to oblige. after all, it is your honor. you can click the pic after the page loads and see the full-size photo. it should load an image that should size according to your screen, but click that and you get the whole inch-a-lotta.
you guys are welcome to download the shoe pics for your personal use if you like.
also, i spoke yesterday of a shot of ernie davis' headstone that find-a-grave deleted when they s-canned me. i uploaded it, too, and am including that link. really torques me that they did that.
shoe north
Panoramio - Untitled photo
shoe north detail
Panoramio - Untitled photo
shoe south
Panoramio - Untitled photo
shoe south detail
Panoramio - Untitled photo
ernie davis
Panoramio - Untitled photo
anyway, congrats on a great win. was really good to see.
more: like i said these aren't memorable shots. i just wanted to catch the flavor of the place before i buzzed on. don't expect to see that much.
the ernie davis shot was a good one. i wish it hadn't been raining so i could have gotten closer. the memorial day flowers would have shown up better.