Loathing All Things Georgia
glenn;1629593; said:first this.
max is absolutely right. texas is much more a western state than a southern state. far east texas, especially bordering louisiana, may well be southern in nature, but way more than most of the state is not at all southern in nature. it's western.
that said, a lot of early texas was settled by southerners, but that's true all the way to california.
texas did get caught up in the confederacy--i have no clue how that happened--but a great many were opposed to it.
some years ago i worked a project in nashville and lived down near franklin, some twenty miles south. late in the war there was a battle in and around franklin, and many confederate dead were buried on the grounds of a nearby plantation next to the family graveyard.
the numbers were so great that mass graves were necessary. in true southern style the dead were partitioned by state and buried in separate mass graves along a path which led up the hill to the family site at the hilltop. each state had a stone marker telling the state name and how many dead were there. small rectangular stone stakes were pushed into the ground in a grid over the mass grave, and each stone stood for one person. sometimes a family which knew that a relative was buried somewhere in one of those big graves etched the initials of the deceased into the flat top of one of the stakes. often next to one of the initialed stakes stood a little flag. i assumed it had been left by a relative.
then at the larger stone, the state stone, there would be a little collection of flags. mementos left by persons from that state, i would assume.
going up the hill i passed one state on the left and another on the right all the way up, the states with the least dead first and the two with most dead up at the top, next to the family plots. texas and tennessee had the most dead.
of course, you know the little flags were the confederate battle flag, the 'stars and bars' until . . .
. . . you got to the top. on the left--tennessee--they were the stars and bars, and on the right--texas--they were the lone star flag.
that tells you what you need to know about that.
The Confederate Battle Flag is not the "Stars and Bars".
Freaking yankees...

Texans were Confederates. That's like saying that folks in Maine weren't Union because they were "New Englanders"...
Now, given the choice, Texans will chose the Lone Star Flag only because they like that one, never having lost a war with it. They have that "We were a Republic thing" going for them, and they are far too stupid, by nature, to know about the Republic of West Florida.
Or even worse, they think that the Republic of West Florida was in Florida.

The Texans think enough about the WBTS to put up a historical marker commemorating the last Confederate Victory of the Woe-ah. :p
