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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Feeling of impending doom.

Good things could happen - more than 100 schools could drop football thus ending those never should have been scheduled games.

But between this, NIL, and coaches being paid like CEOs, I'm teetering on "how do you justify this?" depression.

Colleges probably can't see it now, but maybe this allows them to get back to teaching undergrads and more research opportunities for grads.
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Which is the funny part. Go add teams from states you already have the flagship university in the SEC. Clemson has zero upside and FSU and Da U might bring a couple more meth heads but not much else.

The SEC will need UNC and Va. Tech.
They don't need UNC. UNC is not a good football team. Clemson has natural rivalries and is a current power. The SEC does not care about media markets. Their reasoning is that if they put out a good product solely in terms of football, ESPN can sell it nationally. Va Tech is not bad for them in football pedigree, but it isn't like they need Va Tech to secure any media market. The most obvious choices for the SEC remain FSU, Miami, and Clemson.
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They don't need UNC. UNC is not a good football team. Clemson has natural rivalries and is a current power. The SEC does not care about media markets. Their reasoning is that if they put out a good product solely in terms of football, ESPN can sell it nationally. Va Tech is not bad for them in football pedigree, but it isn't like they need Va Tech to secure any media market. The most obvious choices for the SEC remain FSU, Miami, and Clemson.

Short term maybe but those teams don't bring anymore money...unless, as you said, ESPiN just keeps dumping money into their regional product.
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If it’s me…get to 24. Berkeley, Stanford, Washington, Oregon shore up San Francisco and PNW. UVA, UNC, Duke shore up the Mid Atlantic/DC. Then it’s ND by our rules or VPI.

This boxes in SEC to a largely regional entity with their options to add with diploma mills and already SEC owned markets, while maintaining B1G academic profile.

I’m sure someone else prob has better scenario with more $$$ per school…but this I think limits long term SEC potential by maximizing B1G.
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If it’s me…get to 24. Berkeley, Stanford, Washington, Oregon shore up San Francisco and PNW. UVA, UNC, Duke shore up the Mid Atlantic/DC. Then it’s ND by our rules or VPI.

The South; ignoring the North since 1865. I think the SEC will do just fine by lining up everything east of Austin and South of Lexington.

The issue will be ND. If the SEC and BIG Ten create a 12 conference game schedule there would still be room for an independent ND. I don't know if the Big Ten could impose a shutout on USC, Stanford, MSU, and Purdue. Army, Navy, and Air Force would be willing to play them anywhere, anytime. That's a good potential for their schedule just in those 7.
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And just cause I'm sitting here thinking and killing time till the guests arrive... Maybe TV saves the MACs of this world - the need for product meets a bunch of schools willing to play their games on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
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If it’s me…get to 24. Berkeley, Stanford, Washington, Oregon shore up San Francisco and PNW. UVA, UNC, Duke shore up the Mid Atlantic/DC. Then it’s ND by our rules or VPI.

This boxes in SEC to a largely regional entity with their options to add with diploma mills and already SEC owned markets, while maintaining B1G academic profile.

I’m sure someone else prob has better scenario with more $$$ per school…but this I think limits long term SEC potential by maximizing B1G.
Can see Stanford joining without equal revenue to get ND. Cal is a no go though. Would take either Colorado or Arizona instead. Colorado to provide Nebraska with a rival, Arizona for a bigger media market.
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