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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
Wall Street Journal -- "UCLA & USC Have Moved On. What Happens To Everyone Else?"

Lots of info in this. Reportedly, there have been 10 teams that informally reached out to the Big Ten. Washington & Oregon legislatures are currently trying to tie Oregon State to Oregon & Washington State to Washington, which would effectively keep them from jumping ship to the Big Ten. Notre Dame would increase their payout just by being a normal member of the Big Ten, and the Big Ten would wait until hell froze over to accept them into the conference, basically
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Someone on the MWC board says he has a journalist contact who says the Domers have come up with their "non-negotiable" demands. Take it for what it's worth, but it's certainly consistent with their history, arrogance and MO.

They demand a California game every year (giving them an unfair advantage in access and exposure to California recruiting).
They demand to be in a pod with tsun, Sparty and Purdue (attempting to undermine and lessen The Game)
They demand that none of their home games be on the BTN (creating the perception that they are superior to the rest of the conference)

I hope someone makes that public. I hope Notre Dame president or AD comes out in a press conference and says, "These are our terms."
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IF ND demanded special treatment, it is very easy for Kevin Warren to say that Ohio State is a better draw than ND and Ohio State has always supported equal treatment for Big Ten members.
It could in fact be argued that the B1G is only what it is BECAUSE the Buckeyes have shared the wealth equally with their bitches. And since ND is well established to be Ohio State’s bitch since the 90s, they can bloody well line up for the same share of our pie as Purdue.

but I’d prefer we just tell them to bugger off
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Big 12 in deep discussions to add up to six Pac-12 teams after USC, UCLA defections to Big Ten

The Big 12 is aiming to maintain its positioning as a power conference while expanding its footprint to a key market

The Big 12 is involved in deep discussions to add multiple Pac-12 programs as a way to shore up its membership in the wake of the USC and UCLA defection to the Big Ten, sources tell CBS Sports. At least four teams are being considered with the potential for the Big 12 to add more as realignment continues to shake out.

Arizona, Arizona State, Colorado and Utah were mentioned specifically as the teams being targeted by the Big 12, sources tell CBS Sports. There is also consideration of adding Oregon and Washington to make the Big 12 an 18-team league, the largest in the FBS.

A merger of the Big 12 and Pac-12, in some form, is also a possibility.

"Everything is on the table," said one Big 12 source.

There is "no question" the Big 12 has to be aggressive in expansion, another conference source said.

Despite the Big 12's attempts, the Pac-12 released a statement Monday saying it would immediately begin negotiations on its next TV contract, intending to go forward with at least its 10 remaining members. There is a possibility more could be added to the mix, according to a Pac-12 source. The Pac-12's current deal expires in 2024.

However, a source familiar with the negotiations said that doesn't necessarily mean the Pac-12 will all be together "in three months."

The Pac-12 is expected to enter into an exclusive 30-day negotiating window with current rightsholders Fox and ESPN before entertaining offers from other bidders.

Before the Pac-12's statement Monday, one industry source suggested the Big 12 should quickly expand with Pac-12 teams then go to market early with rightsholders to get ahead of the Pac-12. The Pac-12 deal with Fox and ESPN expires in 2024. The Big 12's deal with the same networks expires in 2025.

Entire article: https://www.cbssports.com/college-f...2-teams-after-usc-ucla-defections-to-big-ten/
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College football realignment: 10 schools reach out to Big Ten, per report

College football expansion took another sharp turn when USC and UCLA announced they would join the Big Ten in 2024.

But it doesn't look like that conference is done yet.

Since that news broke, a total of 10 other schools have reached out informally to discuss joining the Big Ten, according to the Wall Street Journal.

While no formal requests or offers to join have been made by these schools or the Big Ten, the reason is only clear enough.

Entire article: https://www.si.com/fannation/colleg...l-news-big-ten-expansion-10-schools-reach-out

If true, makes you wonder exactly who the 10 schools are; i.e. the remaining 10 schools in the PAC-12, some others (like ACC schools, etc.), or mix of the two.
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Big 12 in deep discussions to add up to six Pac-12 teams after USC, UCLA defections to Big Ten

The Big 12 is aiming to maintain its positioning as a power conference while expanding its footprint to a key market

The Big 12 is involved in deep discussions to add multiple Pac-12 programs as a way to shore up its membership in the wake of the USC and UCLA defection to the Big Ten, sources tell CBS Sports. At least four teams are being considered with the potential for the Big 12 to add more as realignment continues to shake out.

Arizona, Arizona State, Colorado and Utah were mentioned specifically as the teams being targeted by the Big 12, sources tell CBS Sports. There is also consideration of adding Oregon and Washington to make the Big 12 an 18-team league, the largest in the FBS.

A merger of the Big 12 and Pac-12, in some form, is also a possibility.

"Everything is on the table," said one Big 12 source.

There is "no question" the Big 12 has to be aggressive in expansion, another conference source said.

Despite the Big 12's attempts, the Pac-12 released a statement Monday saying it would immediately begin negotiations on its next TV contract, intending to go forward with at least its 10 remaining members. There is a possibility more could be added to the mix, according to a Pac-12 source. The Pac-12's current deal expires in 2024.

However, a source familiar with the negotiations said that doesn't necessarily mean the Pac-12 will all be together "in three months."

The Pac-12 is expected to enter into an exclusive 30-day negotiating window with current rightsholders Fox and ESPN before entertaining offers from other bidders.

Before the Pac-12's statement Monday, one industry source suggested the Big 12 should quickly expand with Pac-12 teams then go to market early with rightsholders to get ahead of the Pac-12. The Pac-12 deal with Fox and ESPN expires in 2024. The Big 12's deal with the same networks expires in 2025.

Entire article: https://www.cbssports.com/college-f...2-teams-after-usc-ucla-defections-to-big-ten/
Any of those Pac teams that joins the Big 12, will bolt again in a minute if the B1G comes calling.
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It could in fact be argued that the B1G is only what it is BECAUSE the Buckeyes have shared the wealth equally with their bitches. And since ND is well established to be Ohio State’s bitch since the 90s, they can bloody well line up for the same share of our pie as Purdue.

but I’d prefer we just tell them to bugger off

This! OSU's sense of fairness and long term thinking over the last century has benefited the conference as a whole, and has put all the universities (including OSU) in the excellent position they are in today. If ND can't adopt that philosophy, tell their greedy short-sighted asses go play with themselves.
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I recall that we are waiting on them, but there was no official deadline. If it is 24 hours, I imagine that the clock started at 9:00 AM Central today.

Until then F5 is our friend.
If this is true

and if it’s been true every other time it’s been reported that we gave them a deadline

shoot, if it’s been true only half the time

then I wouldn’t expect them to take the deadline seriously. They’ve seen this before

then again, the playing field has tilted since the last time we played this game
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This! OSU's sense of fairness and long term thinking over the last century has benefited the conference as a whole, and has put all the universities (including OSU) in the excellent position they are in today. If ND can't adopt that philosophy, tell their greedy short-sighted asses go play with themselves.

Gotta say I think Cincy's post hits pretty close to the mark. The Big10 has thrived because of the shared identity of member schools. As much as we see the conference from a sports perspective, the University Presidents and Boards will have the final say. While a billion dollar TV contract is huge money, our current schools pull in (adding USC and UCLA) over 16 billion dollars in research money per year! All our schools are members of the AAU with the exception of Nebraska. As I recall, Nebraska was removed from AAU membership shortly after admittance to the B10 ... and I think is the only school to have been removed in the history of the AAU. While (at the time) I liked adding Neby as a football school, I imagine the school presidents regret that decision as they don't really fit the huge research model nor the AAU membership model.

I understand that TV/Streaming markets will play a big role in any future schools offered membership, I'd wager any invite would be to a school on the following 2 lists: AAU member AND top 100 in research funding. I guess there could be an exception for ND not being an AAU member because of their TV pull, but I would be wary of that cultural fit.

AAU Member Universities
Georgia Institute of Technology (2010)
Indiana University (1909)
Michigan State University (1964)
The Ohio State University (1916)
The Pennsylvania State University (1958)
Purdue University (1958)
Rutgers University – New Brunswick (1989)
Stony Brook University – The State University of New York (2001)
Texas A&M University (2001)
University at Buffalo – The State University of New York (1989)
The University of Arizona (1985)
University of California, Davis (1996)
University of California, Berkeley (1900)
University of California, Irvine (1996)
University of California, Los Angeles (1974
University of California, San Diego (1982)
University of California, Santa Barbara (1995)
University of California, Santa Cruz (2019)
University of Colorado, Boulder (1966)
University of Florida (1985)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1908)
The University of Iowa (1909)
The University of Kansas (1909)
University of Maryland at College Park (1969)
University of Michigan (1900)
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities (1908)
University of Missouri, Columbia (1908)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1922)
University of Oregon (1969)
University of Pittsburgh (1974)
The University of Texas at Austin (1929)
The University of Utah (2019)
University of Virginia (1904)
University of Washington (1950)
The University of Wisconsin – Madison (1900)

AAU Member Universities - Private
Boston University (2012)
Brandeis University (1985)
Brown University (1933)
California Institute of Technology (1934)
Carnegie Mellon University (1982)
Case Western Reserve University (1969)
Columbia University (1900)
Cornell University (1900)
Dartmouth College (2019)
Duke University (1938)
Emory University (1995)
Harvard University (1900)
The Johns Hopkins University (1900)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1934)
New York University (1950)
Northwestern University (1917)
Princeton University (1900)
Rice University (1985)
Stanford University (1900)
Tufts University (2021)
Tulane University (1958)
The University of Chicago (1900)
University of Pennsylvania (1900)
University of Rochester (1941)
University of Southern California (1969)
Vanderbilt University (1950)
Washington University in St. Louis (1923)
Yale University (1900)

TOP 80 in Research Funding

Research Univ. - Research Funding
Johns Hopkins U. - 2,917,436,000
U. Michigan, Ann Arbor - 1,675,805,000
U. California, San Francisco - 1,595,098,000
U. Pennsylvania - 1,506,285,000
U. Washington, Seattle - 1,425,601,000
U. California, San Diego - 1,353,763,000
U. California, Los Angeles - 1,306,376,000
U. Wisconsin-Madison - 1,297,331,000
Harvard U. - 1,239,736,000
Duke U. - 1,226,517,000
Stanford U. - 1,204,116,000
U. North Carolina, Chapel Hill - 1,153,773,000
Cornell U. - 1,144,534,000
U. Maryland - 1,096,600,000
U. Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh - 1,080,951,000
Yale U - 1,072,309,000
U. Minnesota, Twin Cities - 1,013,112,000
MIT - 1,009,466,000
Columbia U. - 1,003,615,000
U. Texas - 969,496,000
Georgia Institute of Technology - 960,167,000
Texas A&M U. - 952,156,000
Pennsylvania State U. - 949,679,000
New York U. - 934,720,000
Ohio State U. - 929,250,000
U. Florida - 928,639,000
U. Southern California - 909,683,000
Washington U., Saint Louis - 887,088,000
Northwestern U. - 857,069,000
U. California, Davis - 804,282,000
U. California, Berkeley - 802,931,000
Emory U. - 794,928,000
Vanderbilt U. - 776,937,000
U. Arizona - 734,270,000
Michigan State U. - 725,708,000
Icahn School of Medicine - 722,241,000
U. Texas, Austin - 696,111,000
U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign - 677,523,000
Indiana U., Bloomington - 668,157,000
Purdue U., West Lafayette - 663,927,000
Rutgers, State U. - 657,249,000
Baylor C. of Medicine - 651,920,000
Arizona State U. - 639,637,000
U. Virginia, Charlottesville - 613,938,000
U. Alabama, Birmingham - 607,863,000
U. Utah - 601,133,000
U. Colorado Denver - 542,732,000
Virginia Polytechnic Institute - 541,969,000
North Carolina State U. - 541,100,000
Boston U. - 534,205,000
U. Cincinnati - 529,796,000
U. Colorado Boulder - 513,822,000
U. Iowa - 508,353,000
U. Texas Southwestern Medical - 496,697,000
U. Georgia - 477,536,000
U. Chicago - 459,171,000
U. California, Irvine - 448,967,000
Case Western Reserve U. - 438,994,000
Scripps Research Institute - 427,734,000
Uniformed Services U. - 417,300,000
Oregon Health and Science U. - 415,629,000
SUNY, U. Buffalo - 413,817,000
U. Kentucky - 410,581,000
California Institute of Technology - 399,931,000
Colorado State U., Fort Collins - 398,477,000
U. Rochester - 393,960,000
U. South Florida, Tampa - 391,325,000
Princeton U. - 385,739,000
U. Illinois, Chicago - 382,949,000
Washington State U. - 369,333,000
U. Miami - 360,716,000
Carnegie Mellon U. - 359,720,000
Iowa State U. - 358,474,000
SUNY, Polytechnic Institute - 352,889,000
U. Kansas - 352,643,000
Rockefeller U. - 351,089,000
Dartmouth C. - 342,142,000
Florida State U. - 329,205,000
U. Nebraska, Lincoln - 316,820,000
U. Oklahoma, Norman - 302,679,000

102 U. Notre Dame - 240,078,000
154 U. Oregon - 110,664,000
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