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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
The alliance isn't about scheduling, nil, or anything else. The alliance is 3 conferences signaling that they have a voting bloc. That's it. There's nothing else to see here.

Yes, it’s primarily about a voting bloc. But I think it was also about scheduling, and further conference destruction, in light of the haphazard scheduling of 2020 and conference expansionpalooza 2021.

The B1G conceded a ceasefire on poaching anymore ACC teams for moar marketable content.

The ACC conceded Notre Dame won’t be forced into an ACC schedule for the next 14 years and can keep their traditional B1G and Pac12 rivals.

The Pac12 conceded that massively declining HS football participation in California is eroding their talent base, and they want some prime time games in the Midwest, Atlantic Coast, and Southeast that don’t kickoff at either 9:00am PST or 11:00pm EDT.
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The Pac12 conceded that massively declining HS football participation in California is eroding their talent base, and they want some prime time games in the Midwest, Atlantic Coast, and Southeast that don’t kickoff at either 9:00am PST or 11:00pm EDT.

Hire a Vegas showman as your commissioner, get big time games in Vegas.

Greg Sankey is morphing into Turbo Troll before our eyes and I'm here for it.

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I really like this post

I mean, sure, I agree with it and all

But the main reason is, after seeing the word “loose” typed when someone meant “lose” exactly 735,243 times on this board, I have now finally seen someone type “lose” when they meant “loose”.

Stop being a soar looser.
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Lost it at UNC as The Falcon. Missed an opportunity to use Boston College as the Eagles!
Syracuse as Spiderman is outrageous. Groot as IU!

A+++ for the Wasp as GT.

Never rooted for Thanos harder in my life.
Groot = Stanford easy easy connection…
maybe Pit as Black panther … OSU as Ironman …
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