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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
BusNative;1991213; said:
Not for nothing... but why would the B1G takes KU and not Mizzou... ?

They're dicks.

(I know you know that, I just wanted to say it again)

(Oh, and Sports By Brooks was seen over the weekend trying to stiff tranny hookers on half and halfs.)
Upvote 0
RhodeIslandBuck;1991207; said:
In the end I think the conferences will look like this:

Adds: Missouri, Clemson, Florida State, Texas A&M

- Consistent with the previous rumors, just a hunch, but I think Missouri is no longer in play for a B1G spot. FSU looks like it's interested in looking around and Clemson seems to just fit the mold of an SEC program. A&M is self-explanatory.

Big Ten
Adds: Notre Dame, Rutgers, Kansas, Maryland

- I think the domers will realize maintaining independence will hurt their position on the title race with super conferences in place and will eventually give in. Adding Rutgers and Maryland adds huge east coast markets, especially with the addition of Notre Dame and it's huge east coast presence. Kansas is a solid university with average football but tremendous basketball. They need to be part of the super conference equation.

Loses: Clemson, Florida State, Maryland
Adds Connecticut, Syracuse, Cincinnati, South Florida, West Virginia, Louisville, Pittsburgh

- The ACC gets raided a bit by some of the bigger boys, but remains a super conference by essentially merging with the Big East. Easily the worst football league, but by far the best for round ball.

Adds: Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State

- Texas (just like ND) will realize some slight sacrifices might have to be made in order to stay part of the super conferences and their playoff possibilities. Oklahoma is a tremendous football program and adds some blue blood football to the Pac-12. Of course, as OU goes, so does OSU. Texas Tech isn't the most attractive team out there, but they provide a better option than Baylor or TCU in terms of financial benefit.

So the only notable teams left out are:

Iowa State: fit the B1G footprint, but don't provide much else
Kansas State: see Iowa State
Baylor: Not a fit for the SEC and better options for the Pac-12
TCU: Either TCU or Texas Tech for the last Pac-12 spot, a bit of a toss up
BYU: Former big 12 members just a little more attractive
Boise State: good football, nothing else

A lot of these teams could get picked up by the Mountain West or C-USA, although I would expect BYU to remain independent if this were to happen.

Rutgers is a horrible, horrible addition. Coupled with Kansas and Maryland, this would leave the B1G as losers in the expansion game.
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I think it's a pipe dream to think Texas is coming north. FSU bolting the ACC would be the monkey in the wrench though.

I still have zero confidence in the Big Ten honchos to actually come up with something good here even with the Nebraska addition.
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Woody1968;1991235; said:
Rutgers is a horrible, horrible addition. Coupled with Kansas and Maryland, this would leave the B1G as losers in the expansion game.

See BuckeyeMikes post above me. While I don't think a lo of these teams would be ideal fits for the conference, I think the Big Ten may fall behind just a tad. While from a football perspective it doesn't improve the conference all that much, I feel like the addition of Maryland and Rutgers would be a solid component to the adding of Notre Dame, but just MHO.
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RhodeIslandBuck;1991294; said:
See BuckeyeMikes post above me. While I don't think a lo of these teams would be ideal fits for the conference, I think the Big Ten may fall behind just a tad. While from a football perspective it doesn't improve the conference all that much, I feel like the addition of Maryland and Rutgers would be a solid component to the adding of Notre Dame, but just MHO.

Have lived in NY/NJ for 14 years and have never met a rutgers fan.
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Woody1968;1991311; said:
Have lived in NY/NJ for 14 years and have never met a rutgers fan.

But it does add more viewership from the abundance of Notre Dame fans in that area of the country. Believe me, I, in no way, believe Rutgers is an ideal fit, but I also don't think they bring absolutely nothing to the table.
Upvote 0
Texas drove everyone away, now begging for ACC acceptance

Matt Hayes unloads on the Longhorns...

No matter where you are on this ever changing, wildly uncertain, mildly entertaining ride we call college football expansion, we all eventually get off on the same stop and stare.

That day is today?at the corner of burnt orange and karma.

There, hat in hand, is Texas. The big and bold Longhorns?the strongest brand in college football today?are scouring for crumbs with the ACC.

It?s just so undeniably fitting, is it not?

They started this mess last year, you know. Got together with ESPN and the combination of two mammoth egos could only mean one thing: a gigantic mess.

?It?s unthinkable how the tables have turned,? said one BCS athletic director.

From everyone following lockstep and bowing to the Texas iron fist in the Big 12, to whistling through the graveyard in the ACC. All in one short year.

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korchiki;1991192; said:
A real interesting piece of this is the play for Mizzou. While they do not really add anything in basketball or football, consider them from the geographic footprint perspective.

For B1G - Solidifies the Midwest to make sure no other conference can touch our footprint.

For PAC 12 - Gives them their much needed Midwest/East Coast presence. The big problem for them has always been no one on the east coast watches their games. Between Scott making their media days in NYC and the push for teams to play on the east coast (see USC @ Minn and Stanford @ Duke). Obviously a team like Oklahoma is a bigger draw but having Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Mizzou helps to ensure that a home game in Central time will be played every weekend.

For SEC - Mizzou definitely does not really make sense with the culture but this will allow the SEC to have a presence in the midwest and would hurt the B1G.

The problem with Mizzou is I don't think they bring in enough money to the B1G to counter balance the equal revenue sharing they will take out. Will the addition of Mizzou mean less profits for the other schools? I think it will. I think the only two teams that would not would be Texas and Notre Dame. Both are national brands while Mizzou is regional for a region that the B1G is already in.
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