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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
bassbuckeye07;1953005; said:
I find it sad that my grandfather took me to Disney for the first time when I was a kid...which is now trying to destroy Ohio State football

A bit of an overstatement don't you think?

Disney has many flaws, but it isn't in the college football business. Except for that time it made the movie "We are Marshall"
Upvote 0
werlinrm;1953015; said:
Disney owns eSpin...



Right, I get that.
But there isn't someone sitting in California dictating to Bristol that Ohio State and the Big 10 should be put to through the ringer.

These are Bristol's decisions and Bristol's alone. They don't have to clear FERPA and FOIA requests through Disney, no global corporation has time for that crap.
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BigWoof31;1953021; said:
Right, I get that.
But there isn't someone sitting in California dictating to Bristol that Ohio State and the Big 10 should be put to through the ringer.

These are Bristol's decisions and Bristol's alone. They don't have to clear FERPA and FOIA requests through Disney, no global corporation has time for that crap.

I don't think he was being literal with it, he was just cracking a joke....

which I found to be HILL AIRY US!
Upvote 0
BigWoof31;1953013; said:
A bit of an overstatement don't you think?

Disney has many flaws, but it isn't in the college football business. Except for that time it made the movie "We are Marshall"

Yeah it was meant to be an overstatement....I would say that is my posting style at times

I dont think Disney is doing this but thanks for pointing out its an over statement that way everyone is clear
Upvote 0
BigWoof31;1953013; said:
Disney has many flaws, but it isn't in the college football business.

Donald Duck says, "Hi!"

Upvote 0
808 Buck;1953104; said:
You forgot to put the "swoosh" on Donald.

Not that it matters, but Donald at Oregon pre-dates Nike by afew decades.


However, Puddles' memory was preserved in 1947 when Oregon's first athletic director, Leo Harris, struck a handshake arrangement with Walt Disney. Donald's likeness could serve as a mascot, as long as it was done in good taste. The unique deal stood for 20 years, with Walt Disney Productions providing several versions of the duck for Oregon's use, until the cartoonist's death in 1966. That's when both parties realized no formal contract existed granting the University the right to Donald's image.
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Anger should definitely be directed towards the idiots in Bristol, not Burbank. I am, however, close to seeing if I can sniff out a few email addresses internally to call attention to said idiots in Bristol to make some in Burbank aware of how ridiculous the situation is getting.

EDIT: MD covered that much better, see his post. Ok, my company-biased rant is over, go back to knocking ESPiN, I'll come back to add to the fire* when I return from the World Cup discussion. :biggrin:

*Yes, I hate that joke of a network as much of the rest of you, but the misdirected posts were kind of bugging me. Details, I know. :osu:
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ysubuck;1952500; said:

I've heard nothing about Oregon OR North Carolina on ESPIN.

ESPIN did report on Kalis de-committing though.

They talked about Oregon on College Football Live today. They talked to former Oregon coach Mike Bellotti. A summary of the conversation:

Bellotti - "My last year there, we paid about $17,000 for a recruiting package just for California. So $25,000 for a 'national package' seems OK. And you can also get value by having somebody steer you away from guys that aren't worth recruiting, saving money by not taking recruiting trips, etc."

At this point, surely the hard-hitting journalists at ESPN would say "What about the fact that the package was basically worthless since it was almost completely about guys from Texas in the 2009 class, rather than the 2011 class?"

Nope - no such question was asked.

Later, Bellotti - "It's tough for Chip Kelly. He can't comment during an ongoing investigation."

ESPN -"Is Chip Kelly in any danger of losing his job?"

Bellotti - "I don't think so. Oregon says they've done nothing wrong."

At this point, surely the hard-hitting ESPN journalists would ask about the alleged coverup, since Willie Lyles himself recently stated that Oregon had him send some spreadsheets on 2011 recruits after the story first broke about Oregon paying Lyles this Spring. Surely they'd ask if that could get Kelly in hot water, since the coverup, rather than the actual improper action, frequently brings about the downfall, right?

Nope - no such question was asked.

How about tossing in other recent revelations by Willie Lyles that portray Oregon in a negative light: Was there any mention of Lyles devising the plan to have LaMichael James switching high schools in order to avoid the difficulties he had with the TAKS (a Texas state math test required for graduation)? - Nope

How about asking about the personal Thank You note that Chip Kelly sent Willie Lyles, or showing a copy of it on the screen? - Nope, it wasn't mentioned or displayed.

How about mentioning that a while ago Kelly acted like he didn't know somebody named "Willie Lyles", and then when confronted more directly, came up with "We call him Will Lyles."? Nope, no mention of that.

Was there any mention of two Oregon athletic department personnel sending Willie Lyles instructions on how to get Lache Seastrunk's grandmother to sign his LOI for Oregon, since Seastrunk's mother refused to sign it? - Nope

How about mentioning the fact that last month All-American DB/PR Cliff Harris was stopped for speeding in a car that was rented by a University of Oregon employee, and that Harris's license was suspended at the time? Nope - no mention of that.

Contrast that with ESPN starting in on tOSU stories recently, with the background being a SportsCenter Host saying that "Terrelle Pryor sold his autographs for $20,000 to $40,000" - an allegation that at this point is unproven, and based on an ESPN interview of somebody who insisted on remaining anonymous. And then the number of times over the past several months that they display and rattle off the timeline of events.

Anybody that doesn't think that ESPN has an agenda against Ohio State football is simply kidding themselves. And it's business-driven, as LeCharles Bentley stated on the radio yesterday.
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