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Big Ten and other Conference Expansion

Which Teams Should the Big Ten Add? (please limit to four selections)

  • Boston College

    Votes: 32 10.2%
  • Cincinnati

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Connecticut

    Votes: 6 1.9%
  • Duke

    Votes: 21 6.7%
  • Georgia Tech

    Votes: 55 17.6%
  • Kansas

    Votes: 46 14.7%
  • Maryland

    Votes: 67 21.4%
  • Missouri

    Votes: 90 28.8%
  • North Carolina

    Votes: 39 12.5%
  • Notre Dame

    Votes: 209 66.8%
  • Oklahoma

    Votes: 78 24.9%
  • Pittsburgh

    Votes: 45 14.4%
  • Rutgers

    Votes: 40 12.8%
  • Syracuse

    Votes: 18 5.8%
  • Texas

    Votes: 121 38.7%
  • Vanderbilt

    Votes: 15 4.8%
  • Virginia

    Votes: 47 15.0%
  • Virginia Tech

    Votes: 62 19.8%
  • Stay at 12 teams and don't expand

    Votes: 27 8.6%
  • Add some other school(s) not listed

    Votes: 25 8.0%

  • Total voters
ORD_Buckeye;1712869; said:
...Does this make them neo-nazis? No. Texas Tech grads are generally not retards. Baylor, while a ridiculously strict (almost antiquated) Baptist college are not "religious zealots." Parody is taking a core element and exaggerating it for comedic effect.
No need to explain parody to me, I was just curious whether the parody was based on nothing more than generally right-of-center political views, or whether there was more substance to it than that. You answered that.

jwinslow;1712870; said:
VY was commonly known as Radio or Monkey on TexAgs during his time at UT.

Hornfans has a million links to their racism:
TexAgs.com - A&M Football.

I'll find more if you like, but this about sums up their approach on that website:

Did you read the responses from folks at A&M who responded to this topic?

I'll admit I just threw that last link in there. Toss it out if you wish.
No, I didn't read any specific student responses. As for the "Radio" and "monkey" thing, while it obviously sheds the utterer in a bad light any way you slice it, I'd tend to imagine it was intended more as an insult of Young's individual intelligence than as a racial epithet, but who knows? And frankly, I can't say I'd be completely shocked to see a rant like the one above show up on the OSU Scout free board. At any rate, I now understand why some of you consider A&M to be a bit disreputable.
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ORD_Buckeye;1712822; said:
As would I, but it's a little easier losing the best looking girl after one realizes that she's a manipulative, arrogant bitch who's also demanding that her three sisters--a crazy religious zealot, a neo-nazi and a retard--all move in with her.

Far be it from me to speak up for Baptists, but you may be confusing them with Evangelicals. Wake Forest and Baylor are well respected academic institutions as opposed to, oh let's just point out Liberty, or Bob Jones for the sake of this comparison.
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Well if it was about intelligence, then they should have gone with sheep instead of monkey.

Every fanbase has their idiots, which definitely includes OSU. It's more about the way that stuff finds it's way into regular conversations on that board without phasing those around them. They work in Mexican about as often as we reference beards.
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zincfinger;1712838; said:
Honest question: why do you equate Texas A&M with neo-nazis? I saw something similar on one of the UT boards, where someone referred to A&M as the "self-styled shock troops of the GOP" (not an exact quote, but pretty close). Is it just that political views at A&M trend conservative, or is there something more to it?

A bit extreme, but they have an extremely strong ROTC program and are want to boast that more Aggies have been awarded the MOH than West Point or Annapolis. Used to be nicknamed Sing Sing on the Brazos. Didn't admit women until the 70s. The sheep in nearby fields are still -- well, sheepish. They are responsible for the nonsense that standing up for the entire fucking game is rational behavior.

Traditional U Texas joke; 1st Farmer, "Son 's coming home from college."
2nd farmer, "Hmmmm, better secure the women and children. Where'd you say he's going to school?"
1st Farmer, "He's a freshman at Texas A&M."
2nd Farmer, "Better lock up the livestock too."
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Solely ND

Swear to God that the dude at Orange Bloods is the mouthpiece for what the Big 12 commish wants everyone to know - and is willing to do it since he knows Texas runs the Big 12. Its like the guy is literally trying to be the Texas president and woo the Nebraska Chip Brown (ChipBrownOB) on Twitter
1. Forget Tom Osborne's disgrunted view of Texas. UT officials trust NU chancellor Harvey Perlman implicitly.
2. Losing Nebraska's administration as a trusted ally is a big reason Texas is sweating NU's possible departure from the Big 12.
3. Is Nebraska better off in B10 or B12? Battle Ohio St., Penn St., Iowa, Mich., etc. Or dominate B12 North and play for a title every year?
4. Big 12 pays out $7 mil to $10 mil now per school. But their TV negotiation is coming up in 2011, so that number will go up. Maybe way up

To further my conspiracy perhaps the Big 12 and Pac 10 are public posturing to try to force ND into the Big 10 and then keep everything else as is. All I know is now all the tweets out there is about how much love the UT administration has for the NU administration. This is the site that has broken most of the recent Pac 16 talk.

The only problem with ND to the Big 10 and everything else staying the same is what Delaney has already mentioned and so did Oh8ch touched on further...
Oh8ch said:
...acknowledges long term trends in the Midwest that could lead to the gradual but inevitable decline of the conference.

I am now of the opinion that we need a minimum of 3 schools and would not mind seeing 5. The further south we go the better. Geographical proximity be damned. Traditional rivalries be damned (with one exception of course).

And it takes as long as it takes.
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CleveBucks;1712965; said:
A couple different sources posting that ND/NE/MO will be announced within 36-48 hours, per Frank the Tank's blog.

You know, I could live with that.

There's no way that will be the end of it however. They would almost certainly entertain UCONN, Virginia and/or Maryland after that.

I think the Texas ship has sailed in either case.
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jwinslow;1712349; said:
no, the legislature simply doesn't care what is good for Texas if it comes at the expense of the other local members. They put the group first.

However, if Texas truly opposed that, maybe we'll hear something about it.

So basically he is going to be fired because:

A) he wouldn't go nuts and accommodate 4 bad neighbors just to get one great member and one solid one.

B) he couldnt get notre dame to stop being hopelessly arrogant or realizing the consequences of that.

Delaney is the one that started this firestorm (I would like to point out that when this mess started, I voted for "don't expand" and if I had my druthers, that is about where we'd be)..... It's pretty clear this will be his legacy. To swing and miss to the point where the Big Ten becomes an even bigger target for criticism as well as failing to protect and expand the BTN footprint would be very bad indeed.

CEOs of lesser conglomerates have been let go for much less.

That said, if they land something like NE/MO/ND, that's not the worst that could have happened.
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CleveBucks;1712965; said:
A couple different sources posting that ND/NE/MO will be announced within 36-48 hours, per Frank the Tank's blog.
As I understand it, ND would likely demand that it be the only added team.

Nebraska would likely make no such demand, but they seem to be the fallback in the event ND continues to play hard-to-get.

Mizzou is likely on the outside looking in, whatever the scenario. Just not strong enough from any perspective: athletics, academics, TV market.

This is all per Chris Brown on the Paul Finebaum show out of Birmingham. Interesting that the best insight so far on B11 expansion comes from SEC-land.
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From Baylor fans...

Kansas City NBC affiliate KSHB-TV cast yet another doubt tonight on CU's hopes of joining the Pac-10 or even leaving the Big 12. This time it's $$$$$$$. I wasn't aware that teams had to pay the conference if they leave it, but apparently so. According to an interviewee very close to Big 12 goings-on, CU's athletic department is in such financial straits that they wouldn't be able to pay their buyout ($6 - 7 million) to leave the Big 12, not to mention that they'll have to pay Hawkins' buyout in the event he's fired.
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