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I always liked this one:

Turd Ferguson

just TURD being TURD

By the way what ever happened to Turd?
Last Activity: 12-22-2005 10:33 AM
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LoKy ... I never knew ...



Loky is a band I played in from the fall of 1997 until May 2000. It was a traditional four-piece rock band setup with the twist that the guitars were acoustic and the drummer played two djembes instead of a drum kit. It was folk-rock in the same way the Grateful Dead was; any given song would be reshaped in tempo or groove from one performance to the next. This is a habit carried over to Fahl & Folk, my current band. We did some covers but mostly played tunes written by Jimmy Mac or myself. The quintessential elements of Loky's sound were the acoustic guitar rhythms, Jimmy's distorted lead style, strong odd grooves, and intelligent, unpretentious lyrics. Here In Paradise, the studio CD Loky recorded, shows what the band was all about, and is a piece of work I'm still proud of.

We've produced one CD, Here in Paradise
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