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LoKy never reads the front page of the newspaper, he spends his time searching for the oddball stories, like guys living in trees for 50 years, or snakes eating farm animals.
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Loky wears floaties when he swims, and has been known to enjoy bad cigars.

Look, the Open D has been pretty lax of late allowing a great deal of crap to go on that should be taken up in PMs. We're doing Clarity's vision for BP a disservice. This was never intended to be a "smack board" and it won't be. No one here wants to start hitting regs with warnings, but it will happen. End of discussion. :mad1:
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Look, the Open D has been pretty lax of late allowing a great deal of crap to go on that should be taken up in PMs. We're doing Clarity's vision for BP a disservice. This was never intended to be a "smack board" and it won't be. No one here wants to start hitting regs with warnings, but it will happen. End of discussion. :mad1:
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Is plagiarism often a problem for you? :wink2:
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