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He has a healthy fear of Oprah Winfrey and his children. :biggrin:

that one is TRUE.

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Loky enjoys wacking off while watching video's of himself wacking off, Hates war, loves peace, and diet Pepsi.

in that order too.

sushi said:
LoKy loves pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.

and I wrote a song about it :)

BB said:
LoKy's perfect day involves watching Brett Favre get all sweaty during practice, and them watching him shower

I make one hell of a towel boy!

BKB said:
Loky used to be in the askewniverse.


grad21 said:
Makes one hell of a highlight film...

I'm only as good as the guy on the screen making the plays :wink:

:oh: :io:
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