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Best bars for watching Texas/OSU game


I'm a Texas fan coming down from Toronto with my Buckeye buddy and would like to know the best bars for gamewatching if we don't end up paying the price for tickets.
If there are any Texas fans on this site and know of a particular bar that all the Hornsfans are looking to go to, please let us know.
have a great time everybody - it's gonna be a great game

see ya in Columbus

Although I don't know how good it will be, the hype of Eddie George's Grille 27 has been pretty huge. I sometimes forget that the place is set to open before the football season starts (if it hasn't already) in the Gateway.
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R0CK3TM4NN said:
Although I don't know how good it will be, the hype of Eddie George's Grille 27 has been pretty huge. I sometimes forget that the place is set to open before the football season starts (if it hasn't already) in the Gateway.
They better hurry up then...I go past it everyday and there hasn't been any work done on Eddie George's at all...it doesn't even have a floor poured yet. It'll be quite a feat to get that open by gameday

kinch: Isn't Union Station a gay bar? I haven't gone there, but I know they have all sorts of gay events/parties...and it was nominated as best gay bar on City Search :) Although I suppose it could be a good game watching place, but it doesn't seem likely...what I'm thinking of is called Union Station Video Bar or something like that, on the 600 block of North High...its the only Union Station place I know of though except the stuff on the cap over 670
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Richard Nixon said:
Watching games in bars blows
C'mon - it can be a great experience .. you've just got to have the right company...

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ntd said:
kinch: Isn't Union Station a gay bar? I haven't gone there, but I know they have all sorts of gay events/parties...and it was nominated as best gay bar on City Search :) Although I suppose it could be a good game watching place, but it doesn't seem likely...what I'm thinking of is called Union Station Video Bar or something like that, on the 600 block of North High...its the only Union Station place I know of though except the stuff on the cap over 670
Nice work schmedly... :shake:
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Actually TorontoMick there's a cool bar/club in the Short North area just south of Campus called the Full Monty...I haven't been there before but I heard they have really good specials during OSU games so I'd recommend checking that place out
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kinch said:
I don't know. I just know that they have big screens and I have seen people dressed like cowboys in there when I have walked by. . . I thought the Texas fans might like it.
Do they have Indians, constructions workers, policeman and bikers too? They don't have steers but other than that, just like Texas.

How about Woody's on Parsons ave? Any bar named after a coach should have decent game day coverage.
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I've always heard there is a pretty big tradition of the visiting team's fans renting the Plugged Nickel downtown. I know I drove by there last year for the scUM game and there were all kinds of weasel fans in the parking lot. That's probably your best bet, it's between campus and downtown.
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