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Best bars for watching Texas/OSU game

FKAGobucks877 said:
I've always heard there is a pretty big tradition of the visiting team's fans renting the Plugged Nickel downtown. I know I drove by there last year for the scUM game and there were all kinds of weasel fans in the parking lot. That's probably your best bet, it's between campus and downtown.
Agreed. Seems like all the visiting fans always end up there. I hear they have drink specials during the game.
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FKAGobucks877 said:
I've always heard there is a pretty big tradition of the visiting team's fans renting the Plugged Nickel downtown. I know I drove by there last year for the scUM game and there were all kinds of weasel fans in the parking lot. That's probably your best bet, it's between campus and downtown.
I can agree with this one...they always have lots of sports on the big screens. Great bar food and lots of hot ladies as well, we should all hit it up Friday night before the game...maybe the single guys can go to Axis afterwords
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Its downtown...I can't remember the exact intersection, but as you go downtown taking Summit Ave from the campus area, it is on the left side of the first intersection after you cross over the bridge that goes by the Convention Center and all that area. It'll definitely be something different, you'll have a great time

Address: 117 E Chestnut St, Columbus OH
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I have a feeling all the Texas fans with/without tickets will be close to Hineygate and just stumble into bars from there. I know there is a deal the Texas Exes are having at the Holiday Inn On The Lane from 4-7. It cost around $20-25 dollars depending on if you are a member and the ticket price includes a meal but it is a cash bar. The Longhorn band, cheerleaders, and Eric Metcalf will all be there. This is all pregame though.
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illinoisbuckeye said:
hey on the night of the game, how hard will bars card? do they normally card students that might look like they are in college?

If you are male: yes

If you are a hot co-ed: no

Sometime you can get lucky, but usually they make a ton of money without allowing underagers in and prefer not to risk it with all the cops around gamedays...

There used to be some South Campus places that were pretty lax, but they got bulldozered for the gateway project
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Go to the Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe on Olentangy River Rd. Get their around midafternoon, get a table, and don;t move from it until the game is over. It will definitely be the most popular bar around.

Or just go to Hineygate, Riverwatch, or Varsity Club all on Lane Ave. Lot's of booze, tits, and I am sure a Texas fan will be welcomed.
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Ginnman said:
Go to the Buckeye Hall of Fame Cafe on Olentangy River Rd. Get their around midafternoon, get a table, and don;t move from it until the game is over. It will definitely be the most popular bar around.

Or just go to Hineygate, Riverwatch, or Varsity Club all on Lane Ave. Lot's of booze, tits, and I am sure a Texas fan will be welcomed.

i plan on being at the game but just figured in case i cant get tickets if they card hard up in cbus. i thought with a lot of police at the game that they wouldnt be that concerned. also, im not sure how you meant it, but im not a Texas fan.

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illinoisbuckeye said:
i plan on being at the game but just figured in case i cant get tickets if they card hard up in cbus. i thought with a lot of police at the game that they wouldnt be that concerned. also, im not sure how you meant it, but im not a Texas fan.


They are pretty strict most of the time. There have been more than one time when i have seen people get busted not for carding, and to much money is at stake to risk losing your liquor license the second week into the season
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Needed to check up on the status of Eddies Grill, i was sad that it didn't get up on time for the Texas game. Although he gurenteee'd it'd be finished before the Iowa game, although i've heard nothing of it still so i'm assuming it hasn't opened yet?
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