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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

BuckeyeMike80;958979; said:
Appalachian State

Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying and others. However, I'm starting to think that most (if not all) of the teams in the Big LEast are just above average. They all beat each other, and no one is really standing out except USF. All things considered equal, USF and tOSU are about the same in who they have played EXCEPT for the Auburn game. Is that enough to differentiate? I don't know.

milkman21;958983; said:
USF does have two huge quality wins: at Auburn, and at home against WVU. Those are big, and there's no arguing that. In this sense, what Rece and May are saying does have *some* merit. But the polls have never been exclusively about who has the most quality wins. You can only beat the teams that are on your schedule, after all.

In reality, the polls are a mix of who's played the best, what kind of quality wins they have, and (perhaps most importantly) who is perceived as the best. It's always been that way, and that's why the poll system is the glorious clusterfuck that we know and love.

I still think OSU is better than USF though, and apparently so do the pollsters (at least going into this week, and I can't see how anything would have changed).

I understand what you're saying here as well. Probably of like-minds.

jlb1705;958984; said:
If you didn't think USF was better than OSU yesterday, how can you think different today?

USF put it on UCF, but I watched this team almost lose to FAU. The Buckeyes would handle them without a problem. Go ahead and continue to overrate them. I'd love to have the Buckeyes meet them in New Orleans.

I also think that tOSU defense would shut this team down. Therefore, it would come down to what the offense does against the USF D. Granted, they handled WVU, but I'm not that sold on them this year. It would be close, but I think tOSU would win it. But I may just be an ig'nant homer.
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milkman21;958983; said:
USF does have two huge quality wins: at Auburn, and at home against WVU. Those are big, and there's no arguing that.

I'll argue it. Auburn is lousy this year and West Virginia is one-dimensional and was vastly overrated. They're good looking wins, but not as good as some are making them out to be.

I think this is more about some people wanting to call anyone BUT Ohio State #1 after what the Buckeyes did in the desert in January.
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Best Buckeye;958943; said:
A lot of people would like to see a smaller school be in it just for kicks , but I don't see it. I don't think the voters will let it happen. Do any of you really think USF can beat Okla, or LSU, or Fla. , or Cal, or USC? Neither do the pollsters.
Well, the pollsters already have USF above USC.

The way these rankings go 98 times out of 100, is that the undefeated teams in BCS conferences slowly float their way up to the top. You keep on winning, you'll leapfrog those who stumble. It never seems to be about who would beat who, it's more about, you keep rising until you prove by losing that you don't deserve your ranking. They think week-to-week, rarely ever big-picture. So I think, for example, that Cal will end up below Oregon, despite beating them.

The question in my mind is, what's the over/under on how many days in between the BCS standings coming out, and an SEC coach whining about his team not getting a shot at the national title because their conference is so much tougher? I say we see a twist this year with Tommy Blubberville whining about some other team getting the shaft.
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muffler dragon;958993; said:
Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying and others. However, I'm starting to think that most (if not all) of the teams in the Big LEast are just above average. They all beat each other, and no one is really standing out except USF. All things considered equal, USF and tOSU are about the same in who they have played EXCEPT for the Auburn game. Is that enough to differentiate? I don't know.

If you break it down to the Auburn game, then yes, unfortunately, that probably IS enough to differentiate because Auburn beat a very good Florida team that could just as easily be where OHio State will be later on this morning....
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jlb1705;958995; said:
I think this is more about some people wanting to call anyone BUT Ohio State #1 after what the Buckeyes did in the desert in January.
Exactly. Which is funny cause I don't remember anyone having a problem ranking Flordia #1 the year after Nebraska destroyed them in the Fiesta bowl (95/96). Or putting OU on a pedestal after not showing up agaisnt LSU in the sugar bowl. FSU scored just a safety against UT in 98 and won it all the next year.
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Best Buckeye;958992; said:
who did they think should be #1?

Doesn't really matter. Who can we (the media) build up? Who can we tear down? What story can we create? Sorry, folks, but the Bucks are going to be dissected over the next week, so the faithful better be ready for a lot of what we (the fans) perceive to be negative stories. Comes with the territory of being #1, and after this past NC game, it's an easy write/commentary. Remember, most of these media clowns don't want to work too hard. This is too easy for them.
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It doesn't matter what Mark May and the other talking heads think. I will put my $ on the Vegas odd makers. I think these odds were before today's game....

Notice USF is at 50-1....

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HailToMichigan;959005; said:
. It never seems to be about who would beat who,
I beg to disagree here because it does matter who could beat who when you are speaking of games between top tier teams and lower tier teams. Other wise some smaller teams would have gotten better bowls. (Boise)
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