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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Tigertracker;1019111; said:
but if you cross the line there is no mercy.

Mercy is for the weak.

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Those of you with a great memory or with the game on DVD...

Some talk in the Beanie thread about JT having some tricks up his sleeves still that we didn't need for the scUM game. In thinking back to the 2002 NC game though, I'm having a hard time remembering any special wrinkles that came out in that game. The only thing that stands out is how much Krenzel ran the ball. Anyone think of anything?

It seems to me that last time we won the crystal, it was pretty much smash mouth football and great D! Very conservative ball control. Last year was our anomaly where we tried to throw like crazy. I'd love to see a trick or two...but I think this will only happen if we find ourselves behind.

With that said, I think I'll did out the DVD from that game and check it out.
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It is going to be pretty neat in the dome, after this year it would be kewl to see LSU and Ohio State do a home-n-home type series. I do not care how well traveled you guys are, no way you could take over Tiger Stadium but it would be fun to see you try.
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Looking at those stats reminded me of a trivia fact that OS fans may or may not know. Your WR Brian Robiskie's father was a pretty good running back for LSU. He had good power and a great sense of balance, very hard to bring down. He did have a bit of a fumbling problem though.
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buckeyes_rock;1019124; said:
Some talk in the Beanie thread about JT having some tricks up his sleeves still that we didn't need for the scUM game. In thinking back to the 2002 NC game though, I'm having a hard time remembering any special wrinkles that came out in that game. The only thing that stands out is how much Krenzel ran the ball. Anyone think of anything?

JT almost always has a few wrinkles up his sleeves. The 2004 scUM game Troy Smith ran all over their asses. 2005 scUM game we put Tyree (Off tackle) in as a TE and ran the ball with Pittman. 2006 scUM game we spread them out and Troy beat them with his arm. I don't think we got to see the wrinkles at last year's Nat champ game because Ginn got hurt and honestly, I think we paniced a little. Saying that, I think that last year taught our team a ton of how to coop under pressure and not to panic so easily. I think JT will come up with the perfect wrinkle to gameplan a great LSU Defense.
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gregorylee;1019123; said:
My only concern then would be, exactly how visible is that line?
You have to work pretty hard at it to get arrested. Don't curse the cops, don't assault anyone, and don't mess with any of the mounted patrol's horses. After that about anything goes unless they tell you to stop it. These cops deal with Mardi Gras every year, not much can surprise them. :-)
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mb7015a;1019182; said:
But only 27 of those were in regulation!

Plus it is a different type of football and the majority of those touchdowns came at the end of the season when we were 2 and 3 deep in our defense. You will be facing the #1 defense in the SEC and the #3 offense in the SEC.
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Tigertracker;1019133; said:
Looking at those stats reminded me of a trivia fact that OS fans may or may not know. Your WR Brian Robiskie's father was a pretty good running back for LSU. He had good power and a great sense of balance, very hard to bring down. He did have a bit of a fumbling problem though.

Reminds me of a stat also. Your head coach and defensive coordinator are both Ohioans and the DC played for the Buckeyes.

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sluTiger;1019201; said:
Plus it is a different type of football and the majority of those touchdowns came at the end of the season when we were 2 and 3 deep in our defense. You will be facing the #1 defense in the SEC and the #3 offense in the SEC.

What I always wondered is, when Dorsey was out, why such a dramatic change in the defense? I know Dorsey is a game changer and causes teams to change their entire offensive strategy, but do you guys have a huge drop off in effectiveness when going to the second stringers? Is depth a problem on your D-line?
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The State Police will have security in the quarter this year.

They are pretty lax too, will pretty much much let you get naked....but cross the line....not in jail, under it.

But I guarantee, OSU fans will not be the ones getting in trouble, it will be our own. The imbeciles from the sticks. :roll2:
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rocketman;1019217; said:
Is depth a problem on your D-line?
We lost another 1st round draft pick (more than likely) at the Va Tech game, torn ACL (Charles Alexander), and when AU cheapshotted Dorsey, we couldn't put pressure up the middle. The basis of our whole D, any D for that matter.

Suprisingly, Pellini is not blitz happy, but we do get Ricky Jean Francois back from academic jail for the game, he will make a big diff, along with a healthy Dorsey.
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lsuroadie;1019223; said:
The State Police will have security in the quarter this year.

They are pretty lax too, will pretty much much let you get naked....but cross the line....not in jail, under it.

But I gaurantee, OSU fans will not be the ones getting in trouble, it will be our own. The imbeciles from the sticks. :roll2:

I've already been warned not to show up on another forum I post in.:!
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