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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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I'd do anything for a Klondike bar. That aside; I do have a feeling this will be a great game. We have Miles who loves to gamble - We have Tress who likes to be conservative 99% of the time. We have A recovering LSU, and an ambitious OSU. The forumla makes for a great game.

God forbid we lose, my heart can't take that twice in a row.
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tiger_darlin;1024774; said:
i'm watching the saints right now.
this team really fell apart this year.

and Bush is out for the season.

Yeah but Bush hasn't done much, much to my chagrin. Then again, a consistent OL would also help...or an OL at all.

Anyways, I need some help from everyone deciding who to root for. My hatred of both the SEC and OSU is well-documented, so picking who to root for in this thing is like asking me to pick my favorite big game from Mike Hart....damn near impossible.
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the perrilloux vs. flynn thing is something even I have been pondering since the SEC CG.

you have Flynn, a some what consistant QB.
he's reliable, or so i think?
he's cute (not that it matters, had to throw it in for laughs! ha)

Perrilloux never really did impress me too much.
i didn't see him start against middle tennessee.
it wasn't televised and i wasn't there, but from the score i guess he did alright.
but that was, after all, MIDDLE tennessee.

saturday when he was facing tennessee,
he did a few things that angered me,
had me screaming at my television,
but i do think next year,
he will be a decent quarterback.

but for the CG;
Flynn if he's healthy.
but i'm satisfied with a Perrilloux back up.
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It reminds me a little of the 2004-05 dilema we had with Troy and Justin Zwick. We came into the 2005 season not sure who the QB was because Troy sat a couple games and vs Texas we kept rotating them and the offense never really had a rhythm.

Tough spot to be in as a fan with no control over it but I know for sure I was screaming at my TV for someone to make a decision on who it would be and stick with it!!!
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they both have ups and downs;
and sometimes you find yourself screaming at Miles to make up his mind.

i was at the tulane game.
we were all tired of seeing Flynn knocked on his ass time and time again.
the whole stadium was chanting "Perrilloux!" but he never got his chance.

of course we pulled it out in the second half.
but it's hard watching your qb go down,
knowing that you have a decent back up behind him.
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