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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Dublin Buckeyes;1018057; said:
The UF newspaper ripped OSU a new whole yesterday and I am less than pleased.

For god sake, 51 day break or not, someone do something to piss off the OSU defense, and get Beanie going against Dorsey and the LSU D.

I can't take another loss to an SEC team, the people down here are acting like assholes.

You gotta like your bowl game though. How often do your two favorite teams get to kick the shit out of Michigan in the same year?
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buckeyes_rock;1018054; said:
I agree. Beanie and the O-line must be dominant. But we will go as Boeckman goes. He has to be confident and in charge and JT can't be afraid to let Boeckman throw the ball. I know that JT goes into conservative mode when we have the lead, but a 3 or 4 point won't be enough with LSU. They're too explosive. We have to keep attacking. Huge factor will be whether the QB we saw at PSU shows up again.

Agree with others on here that say that our boys have seen some huge and hostile crowds this year. PSU at night and scUM are nasty places to play. And we've been at our best this year on the road and in my opinion have looked more focused on the road as well.

During the 2007 season, while also setting record attendance numbers, the raucious LSU crowd registered unbelievable sound levels of 123.4 decibels(VT) and 129.8 decibels(UF) during the Tigers nationally televised wins against Virginia Tech ( ESPN 9/8/07 ) and the University of Florida ( CBS 10/6/07 ), respectively.

That is in Tiger Statium North which is an open air facility; Tiger Statium South is a dome, and it gets REALLY loud and crazy. Of course, a touchdown or two will be the remedy for that situation. I have seen the dome register to like 120 to 125 decibels.
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sluTiger;1018122; said:
During the 2007 season, while also setting record attendance numbers, the raucious LSU crowd registered unbelievable sound levels of 123.4 decibels(VT) and 129.8 decibels(UF) during the Tigers nationally televised wins against Virginia Tech ( ESPN 9/8/07 ) and the University of Florida ( CBS 10/6/07 ), respectively.

That is in Tiger Statium North which is an open air facility; Tiger Statium South is a dome, and it gets REALLY loud and crazy. Of course, a touchdown or two will be the remedy for that situation. I have seen the dome register to like 120 to 125 decibels.

Penn State registered at 122 dB when we played them.
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jlb1705;1018069; said:
:lol: at UF. They're playing a team that lost to Appalachian State in their bowl game. They must've had a pretty good season this year.
And you played who for that Big-10 Championship?:biggrin:

Just saying, risky strategy jlb...

We can all agree that you had a much better reload year than us.

We wish you an enjoyable trip and stay in Louisiana, and an injury free game.
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Gatorubet;1018206; said:
And you played who for that Big-10 Championship?:biggrin:

Just saying, risky strategy jlb...

We can all agree that you had a much better reload year than us.

We wish you an enjoyable trip and stay in Louisiana, and an injury free game.

Wow, this is amazing, a UF fan that can make a statement without mentioning Teebow. This is a rare rare find...
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