Team Stat Comparison
1st Downs16193rd down efficiency
8-164-144th down efficiency
0-21-1Total Yards261360Passing24470Comp-Att
19-428-20Yards per pass
5.85.8Rushing17290Rushing Attempts
2750Yards per rush
5-39Turnovers31Fumbles lost
10Interceptions thrown
Ummm. I included a portion of the boxscore from the South Carolina/LSU game from this season that was played on September 22nd. According to these numbers, LSU was only penalized 5 times for 39 yards. But you said above that LSU was penalized "HEAVILY" for their disgusting display of poor sportsmanship. Hmmmm.......I don't know. Maybe I'm missing something.
Whatever. Atleast those of us on this side of the ball can take comfort in the fact that SEC referees won't be calling the NC. It'll probably be Big 12 or PAC 10 refs or something like that.
I have actually seen LSU play this season quite a bit on CBS. They never struck me as being a dirty team or anything like that. I didn't see the SoCar game though. I can also remember a Buckeye LB choking a Wisconson QB in the middle of a game a few years back. Heat of the moment and ugly things can happen.
With as much as I have seen Ohio State and LSU play this year, I think this is going to be a really good game. These two teams seem to match up pretty well and I'm looking forward to Jan 7th!
Welcome to Buckeyeplanet. Tell your friends to join you over here for some good back and forth during the build up. Take care.
Go Buckeyes!!!!!!