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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Lockup;1053287; said:
Maisel said in his articel that there were a ton of Bucks fans down there and he actually expected ti to be 50-50 in the staduim. Anybody have any clue if that might happen?

There are tons of Buckeyes down here - Im not sure it will be 50/50, but I dont think it will be lopsided. And the fans that are going are on Bourbon St. right now (where I will be - my brother needed a pit stop in the hotel room) and beers are served at the game. It will be plenty loud in the dome for both teams.
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[quote='BusNative;105329;3]There are tons of Buckeyes down here - Im not sure it will be 50/50, but I dont think it will be lopsided. And the fans that are going are on Bourbon St. right now (where I will be - my brother needed a pit stop in the hotel room) and beers are served at the game. It will be plenty loud in the dome for both teams.[/quote]

I think 50/50 would be a HUGE advantage for the buckeyes, if this whole home field advantage is actually true. The LSU football team would have to be at least partially disappointed if the stadium was LOADED with scarlet and grey.

The fact that we can do this AFTER getting blown out confirms what I always believed!!!


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never thought i'd say this, but at t-minus 4 hours to kickoff, this is more intense than the scUM game (may the buckeye gods forgive me for my transgression)...:moody:

i realize there's an awful lot on the line, but i guess i didn't think ANYTHING would ever outstrip that feeling you get in your gut before and through the first two quarters of the scUM game.

i certainly didn't feel THIS way last year or in 2002...
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I am so fucking pumped for this game.

I've been listening to the gameday playlist on my Ipod that I save for my high school games, and I must say that if I get anymore pumped up I may sit outside and just start tackling the people that walk by.
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To all of you youngsters, remember how this feels. This era of Ohio State basketball and football, is a golden era that you will tell your children about, either because of what it was or the golden era that had its beginning now. Drink it in.

This is Ohio State. This is what all of the great players who ran on that field wearing those colors were about. This is what animated Woody Hayes. Winning year after year. Setting an example for hard-hitting but fair play. Being in the national title hunt every year.

This is our culture. It is our distinction. It is who we are as a people. It is what drives a competitive spirit that made us what we are and made America the great nation it is.

Remember this anticipation. Look around right now so that you will remember forever what it means to be a Buckeye. This, this, this is what it means to be a Buckeye.
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Steve19;1053306; said:
To all of you youngsters, remember how this feels. This era of Ohio State basketball and football, is a golden era that you will tell your children about, either because of what it was or the golden era that had its beginning now. Drink it in.

This is Ohio State. This is what all of the great players who ran on that field wearing those colors were about. This is what animated Woody Hayes. Winning year after year. Setting an example for hard-hitting but fair play. Being in the national title hunt every year.

This is our culture. It is our distinction. It is who we are as a people. It is what drives a competitive spirit that made us what we are and made America the great nation it is.

Remember this anticipation. Look around right now so that you will remember forever what it means to be a Buckeye. This, this, this is what it means to be a Buckeye.

We said bro!

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Sportsbuck28;1053305; said:
I am so fucking pumped for this game.

I've been listening to the gameday playlist on my Ipod that I save for my high school games, and I must say that if I get anymore pumped up I may sit outside and just start tackling the people that walk by.

I know ESPN isn't the greatest to take their word but Kirk Herbstreit said it best today.. Ohio State is coming into this game similar to Florida in last year. They have something to prove, no one is giving them a chance.. Only difference LSU isn't underestimating OSU, and if they do expect the score to reflect.

God I can't wait until 8:30!

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Get off work...going to go workout then park on my couch and turn the tv up to somewhere on a volume level of about 35 out of 50 (and as the game goes on even higher). I'll turn on my OSU band music and proceed to give myself goose bumps. Then I'll pace around for the 1st quarter and I'll watch the game as closely as a surgeon with a needle. :biggrin:

oh yeah and....

Bleed S & G;1053320; said:
Fuck Michigan.

Go Bucks.
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jwinslow;1053291; said:
:lol: Welcome to the last few pages.

Well I already knew there were a ton of bucks fan down but I have never heard anybody try and predict how many were actually going to be inside the staduim tonight. 50-50 would be very damn impressive. We all knew we traveled well but I think that exceeds expectations.
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