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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Nutriaitch;1053251; said:
A slightly more colorful version.

No matter how hard I try, Purple & Gold just doesn't match up well with Scarlet & Gray.


This one is better. Better balanced, better colored and the "E" in state isn't cut off.
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O-HIGH-O;1053271; said:
Could someone please tell me what channel the game is on tonight. i am setting up for a party and i need the Am frequency for my sound system
That would depend quite a bit on where you are. If you're in Columbus, it'll be on 1460AM. However, I would recommend you use 97.1 FM which will come in much more clearly (Not sure it's 97.1, but it's near there on the FM dial)
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Been gone a couple days, and I'll be gone a few more after this, so I wanted to say what I've been going over for the past few weeks.

Hard to believe its almost been a year now....

January 8th is still so fresh in my mind it might have been yesterday.
I awoke this time last year to my Buckeyes dream season, #1, undefeated and unstoppable. Less than 24 hours later my dream had become all but a nightmare that this past 364 days could be considered.

So here we stand, again on the edge of greatness; the same stench of our opponent hangs in the air. Gone is the complacent attitude, given way to determination. The mindset we should have had in Glendale... anger, passion, and the hunger to win.

I firmly believe hard-work, and a simple twist of fate have put us back in the situation we are all too familiar with this past year. Sadly, for all the complaints we've had about the media, the radio, the news and the view of our football team, we need only to look into a mirror. Had we taken care of business, I know we would not have been plagued with the mis-information and perversion of Big Ten football that has been 2007.

I do not know what is going to happen tonight, but I will give my best of luck to our team, watch and pray for the outcome they will fight for. This game needs to "be played on the verge of rage". The table is set, the time is right, the teams are here and neither has the mindset that their going to lose.... godspeed Scarlet and Grey; Bring the Crystal back to Ohio!!

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