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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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BuckeyeRyn;1052688; said:
I'd say if he has had your number since Saturday night and only left a msg once I wouldn't get too bent by it... just my opinion though...

Spend your day focusing on positive energy vibes to the Buckeyes rather than negative ones to the Tigers...


Not bent at all, just want to show this guy about Buckeye spirit. All in good fun.
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Buckeye Buh Nim;1052695; said:
Not bent at all, just want to show this guy about Buckeye spirit. All in good fun.

Then I'd input his number into that "Snakes on the Plane" thing... Brain dead at the moment so I can't give any more info than that... I'm sure someone around here could help ya out though!
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Wells4Heisman;1052697; said:
The wait is killing me but I know I'm not the only one.

Go Bucks! :oh:

You are definately not the only one!! I only slept about 2 hours last night.

Thank God my boss called me at 6:30 this morning and said I was getting close to overtime, and I could stay home if I wanted to!! YEAH!!!!
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A reminder of how long we have come: http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/buckeye-football/599166-countdown.html

It's been a great season, lets bring back a National Title!

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LongwoodBuck;1052762; said:
I was eating breakfast while watching the early morning news on our local NBC channel. They go to Mindy Drayer and she has a special video tribute to the Buckeyes shown. I was nearly in tears by the end and could barely finish my cereal. I'd like to fast forward now. K...thx...bye.

FWIW, Mindy Drayer drives me batty. If I wasn't mistaken, I'd think that she thought that she was the ultimate superfan. Wash off that lipstick and settle it just a bit..........:wink2:
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