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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

duke_shoot;710510; said:
Hey does anyone know what the overload limit is on Valium??? :)
From one Duke to another --


I wouldn't recommend sex, drugs or insanity for everyone, but they've always worked for me.
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"Mire" Definition

I want you to not only beat them, but I want the Buckeyes to stomp Tebow and Leak into the mud. If there's no mud on the field, then make those losers bleed and mix the blood and dirt to make mud, then stomp those tools into it.

- bog: an area of very marshy ground or deep slushy mud
- thick mud: thick slimy mud
- difficult situation: a troublesome or oppressive situation or state that is very difficult to escape from
- get stuck in mud: to sink into mud and become stuck, or make something sink into mud and become stuck
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