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Basic play that Ohio State could be dominate with....


I am no coach but I have played quite a bit a basketball in my day and still continue to play in pick up games. Not that any of that matters on this thread but I figured I would try a build a little credibility!

4 Corners: There would be no stopping OSU with this play, IMO! Spread the floor out with Buford on the Right Corner, Lighty at the Right wing Craft at the Left Wing and Diebler at the left corner and Sully down low. What this will do is create space for Sully to be matched up 1 on 1 with another big man (which we all know Sully will dominate anyone in college 1 on 1 down low). We can do this ALL DAY too if no one comes to help Sully's defender. Now, when someone does come to help TRY and stop Sully, then we can simply dish it back out to the person left open to hit the 3 ball. I am confident in everyone of those players on the outside to hit the 3! Now if the shot isn't open keep swinging it till someone clearly has the open look, preferably Diebler!

I dont think there is any stopping OSU with this play. I know I am no coach, nor am I qualified to be a coach, but I have to think this would work! What does everyone think?!?
AKAKBUCK;1862861; said:
Where do you live?

Sometimes we get together for pick up games.

I unfortunately live in Michigan. I was born and raised on the West Side of Columbus, but moved to Michigan to go to a small school for golf.. I do plan on moving back to Columbus in a few years though. If you are still playing then, I would love to join. I am always looking for pick up games!
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GoBuckUrself;1862857; said:
I am no coach but I have played quite a bit a basketball in my day and still continue to play in pick up games. Not that any of that matters on this thread but I figured I would try a build a little credibility!

4 Corners: There would be no stopping OSU with this play, IMO! Spread the floor out with Buford on the Right Corner, Lighty at the Right wing Craft at the Left Wing and Diebler at the left corner and Sully down low. What this will do is create space for Sully to be matched up 1 on 1 with another big man (which we all know Sully will dominate anyone in college 1 on 1 down low). We can do this ALL DAY too if no one comes to help Sully's defender. Now, when someone does come to help TRY and stop Sully, then we can simply dish it back out to the person left open to hit the 3 ball. I am confident in everyone of those players on the outside to hit the 3! Now if the shot isn't open keep swinging it till someone clearly has the open look, preferably Diebler!

I dont think there is any stopping OSU with this play. I know I am no coach, nor am I qualified to be a coach, but I have to think this would work! What does everyone think?!?
I don't understand why Buford has to be in the right corner. Why couldn't he be in the left corner:huh: and why couldn't Craft be at the right wing:huh: and what happens when the defense doesn't come out to regard these guys and the 35 second expires. You don't have all day to run an offense any longer and where is Thomas going to play and what about Dallas:huh:
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LitlBuck;1862877; said:
I don't understand why Buford has to be in the right corner. Why couldn't he be in the left corner:huh: and why couldn't Craft be at the right wing:huh: and what happens when the defense doesn't come out to regard these guys and the 35 second expires. You don't have all day to run an offense any longer and where is Thomas going to play and what about Dallas:huh:

Ok, the order of where the guards are on the perimeter doesn't really matter! I like to see the better shooters in the corner though!

If the defense doesn't come out to guard the point guards then you have Sully 1 on 1 against a defender, which is the whole reason to have this play! No one in college basketball can stop Sully 1 on 1!!

This play will only happen when these players are on the floor, which is the majority of the time!

Re-read the play again, you did not bring up any reasonable concerns on why the play wont work!!
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LitlBuck;1862877; said:
I don't understand why Buford has to be in the right corner. Why couldn't he be in the left corner:huh: and why couldn't Craft be at the right wing:huh: and what happens when the defense doesn't come out to regard these guys and the 35 second expires. You don't have all day to run an offense any longer and where is Thomas going to play and what about Dallas:huh:

Diagrams, people! Diagrams!!

Thanks in advance.

- 'BusNative
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GoBuckUrself;1862864; said:
I unfortunately live in Michigan. I was born and raised on the West Side of Columbus, but moved to Michigan to go to a small school for golf.. I do plan on moving back to Columbus in a few years though. If you are still playing then, I would love to join. I am always looking for pick up games!

Sweet, fire "iambrutus" a PM, he'll hook you up.
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My apologies, but, still, diagrams would be helpful

GoBuckUrself;1862884; said:
Ok, the order of where the guards are on the perimeter doesn't really matter! I like to see the better shooters in the corner though!

If the defense doesn't come out to guard the point guards then you have Sully 1 on 1 against a defender, which is the whole reason to have this play! No one in college basketball can stop Sully 1 on 1!!

This play will only happen when these players are on the floor, which is the majority of the time!

Re-read the play again, you did not bring up any reasonable concerns on why the play wont work!!

OH... my apologies, I think what you're describing is the old RepRing play, am I correct?

Thanks in advance.

- 'BusNative
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[quote='BusNative;186288;7]OH... my apologies, I think what you're describing is the old RepRing play, am I correct?

Thanks in advance.

- 'BusNative[/quote]

Nah, that looks like this.

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[quote='BusNative;186288;7]OH... my apologies, I think what you're describing is the old RepRing play, am I correct?

Thanks in advance.

- 'BusNative[/quote]

Working on a diagram for you right now. I've never heard it called that but we could very well be talking about the same play!
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GoBuckUrself;1862893; said:
Working on a diagram for you right now. I've never heard it called that but we could very well be talking about the same play!

Don't mind these assholes. They're just messing with you. :lol:

Except for AKAK. His pickup hoops game are simply the best.
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