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Basic play that Ohio State could be dominate with....

gbu, what you listed is a "set," that is, the starting positions for a play. a set is nice and all, but there must be more to it. you'll see our team runs a lot of plays throughout the game, with often not a single one being repeated. that being stated, you'll see the same sets throughout the game. one set leading to different plays is one way to mislead the opponent.

the key to matta's offense is spacing, which is why he recruits for and employs a 4-out/1-in offense. he always tells his players that if they don't know where to go, they must relocate to an open spot. furthermore, adequate spacing is necessary for coach's overriding principle: put your players in positions to exploit their respective talents. this is one reason for matta's stellar recruiting. he lets his players showcase their wares.
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GoBuckUrself;1862896; said:
Here is a diagram I drew up at work!! I am not sure any other way to make up a diagram for you to see. If you cant see it let me know and I will try and come up with something else.

OSU_Buckguy;1862900; said:
gbu, what you listed is a "set," that is, the starting positions for a play. a set is nice and all, but there must be more to it. you'll see our team runs a lot of plays throughout the game, with often not a single one being repeated. that being stated, you'll see the same sets throughout the game. one set leading to different plays is one way to mislead the opponent.

the key to matta's offense is spacing, which is why he recruits for and employs a 4-out/1-in offense. he always tells his players that if they don't know where to go, they must relocate to an open spot. furthermore, adequate spacing is necessary for coach's overriding principle: put your players in positions to exploit their respective talents. this is one reason for matta's stellar recruiting. he lets his players showcase their wares.

Now, we're getting somewhere.

Bucky Katt likes to run the Swinging Patio Door out of the 4 out 1 in.
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Onebuckfan;1862922; said:
pass ball to Sully in the post ..get out of his way..repeat
Have everyone run down the court holding hands like a game of Red Rover, have Diebler trailing and jacking a three.

If you run this play in 10 seconds, you can run it 54 times a game, even if the other teams takes 39 seconds every position.

Diebler 54 shot attempts * .450'ish % = 24.3 makes * 3 = 72 points.

Since nobody has scored 70 on OSU since Florida, I think it can work!
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Why go for two or three when you can go for seven.

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[quote='BusNative;186290;9]That is super helpful, thank you.

And I was wrong, this is the play I had in mind

- 'BusNative[/quote]


...get me back, brah!

Bucky Katt;1862915; said:
I prefer the Wooden Picnic Table with 3.5 in.

Necrophilic. :shake:

FCollinsBuckeye;1862934; said:
You guys are mean.

GoBuckUrself: perchance to you disseminate a newsletter to which I may subscribe?


Methinks you've been spending time with a wheelchair and a bunny hop.
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