A few observations on the South by a Yankee (no longer a damn Yankee, since I moved back North again). and rebuttal from a life long southerner
1. The farther south one drives in Florida, the farther north one gets.
The deeper into Florida you get, the more you wish you'd just stayed home
2. The panhandle of Florida is not actually part of Florida. It is part of Lower Alabama, or LA. If someone in Dothan, Alabama asks how you like LA, he's not talking Rodeo Drive. He's talking Opp Rattlesnake Roundup.
Fuck Bama
3. Boiled peanuts are truly an acquired taste. Few people not born in the South are capable of acquiring it.
you shoulda ordered the boudin instead
4. Bass in the South are huge; whitetail deer in the South are tiny.
only pussies fish freshwater
5. Racial attitudes in the South are generally more cordial and progressive than in the North. The marked exception to this rule is north Louisiana, where the Klan is typically regarded as being "soft on the Negro question."
yeah, North Louisiana is a bitch.
outside of New Orleans, South Louisiana can be pretty bad too.
6. Woof, at this point do you feel like you might oughta not started this thread?
he's a douche from Georgia, who cares what he feels?