For some, it's hard to get started savings when you are young. Between everyday expenses and savings earmarked for other areas (down payment on house, car) the retirement plan seems to take a back seat to everything else.
A certain imprisoned former OSU professor noted that if someone contributes $2,000 a year into a fund with a 10% return between the time they are 20 and 30, then never contribute again, they will still have almost $1,000,000 saved at age 65. If you wait until the time from when you are 25 until you are 35 to make your $2000 per year contributions, it will only be worth about $610,000 when you hit 65. Don't wait another year. Get it started now.
It's never too early to start and every little bit helps. Even 3% into a 401k without matching employer contributions will get you started. For someone who makes $20,000 per year, 3% is $600. That $600 per year from the time you are 25 til you are 35 will still be worth $180,000 when you hit 65.
Just start. It doesn't have to be much at first. If your situation improves, up the contribution percentage a little. If not, keep it steady.
Come April 10th, I'm going to cash out about $5000 worth of mutual funds I have been holding for a couple years and drop them into a traditional IRA for the wife and I. Plus (Thanks Uncle Sam!), I get to adjust that money from my taxable income and significantly delay taxation on that income.
Yikes! I got a little carried away there. Sorry, I really enjoy this stuff.