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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)


Repercussions of upset up north felt here too

Sunday, September 2, 2007 3:48 AM
By Tim May


The roar from outside the Ohio State interview room at about 3:45 p.m. yesterday told the story.

Appalachian State, two-time defending NCAA Division I-AA national champion, had just knocked off Michigan, the preseason favorite to win the Big Ten title and considered a contender for Bowl Championship Series title. Even more impressive, Appalachian State had won in Ann Arbor and in dramatic fashion, blocking a last-play field goal attempt.
The upset might have left the Big House a quiet hull, but the clamor from fans outside Ohio Stadium cut through the closed doors and windows of the OSU interview room. It was a true measure of the result's impact.
"I was so shocked. Shocked!" OSU running back Chris "Beanie" Wells said. "You never think a Division I-AA school would be able to beat a Division I-A school, but they did it."

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A loss that won't stop hurting in Ann Arbor
By Chris Stevens

Jim Tressel used to be the most despised coach in Ann Arbor, if not in Lloyd Carr's household.

Well, move over coach Tressel. There's another villain in the Wolverine state.

His name is Jerry Moore, and he coaches a giant killer called Appalachian State, which recorded one of the greatest upsets in college football history on Saturday.

Few in Ann Arbor before Saturday at about 3:30 p.m. even knew where Appalachian State is located (it's in Boone, North Carolina). By now, though, there's not a Michigan fan in this state, country or world who isn't choking out the words ... Appa ... lay ... cha ... what?
That's Appalachian State.

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jlb1705;918035; said:
"Bad for the Big Ten."

I keep reading that phrase - especially on the scUM boards. From where I stand, it's bad for M*ch*g*n - and nobody - especially THEIR fans should be passing responsibility for this debacle toward anyone beyond that sorry collection of players and coaches. Call me shortsighted, but Ohio State didn't just go out and lay an egg against the JV National Champions, so I don't see how anybody can say that steaming pile of a performance by M*ch*g*n was a reflection on the Buckeyes or any of the other teams in the conference and went out there today and took care of business.
This does hurt the BigTen's reputation. If it was Indiana, Northwestern, even Minnesota losing to a D-1AA team - no big deal. Kind of embarrassing, but no big deal. But this was Michigan, perennial BigTen title contender. And they will be beating BigTen teams this year, probably some of the top BigTen teams. Yet they lost at home to a D-1AA. Embarrassing to the whole conference, because it's one of the conference's benchmark teams.

And yet, despite that, I can't help but get some enjoyment from this.
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zincfinger;918225; said:
This does hurt the BigTen's reputation. If it was Indiana, Northwestern, even Minnesota losing to a D-1AA team - no big deal. Kind of embarrassing, but no big deal. But this was Michigan, perennial BigTen title contender. And they will be beating BigTen teams this year, probably some of the top BigTen teams. Yet they lost at home to a D-1AA. Embarrassing to the whole conference, because it's one of the conference's benchmark teams.

And yet, despite that, I can't help but get some enjoyment from this.
Exactly. This is the all-time argument ender. For the next hundred years or so, any time a Michigan fan starts running smack, all you have to say is two words: "Appalachian State". End of discussion.
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So scUM makes history with their loss and ND suffers their worst opening day loss in history, can it get any better than that?!!?

Pleasant memories from yesterday's glorious results will be dancing in my head when these two football "titans", when these two "storied" programs, meet on the field in a couple of weeks.
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buckeye16;918182; said:
I love this priceless rant from Colin Cowherd... For anybody who missed it, here is the audio, which some guy from California paired up with some great pictures:

YouTube - Colin Cowherd Rips Michigan Football

Imagine what Cowherd is going to follow up with when he gets back on the air next week... It's appointment radio, to be sure!!


:io: Yeah, gotta hear his rant next week. If he slammed them this bad before this loss, imagine what he says now. Thanks for posting that.
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ScriptOhio;918232; said:
Ridiculous: Michigan just lost to a team that is playing a cocktail waitress next week. It says so right here on the schedule. Good tickets are still available for App. State vs. Lenoir-Rhyne. :biggrin:

Michigan Wolverines, NCAA Football - CBSSports.com

As much as you want to talk smack against Michigan (and we all do), Appalachian State is no push over. If Michigan expected that, their rude awakening was even worse. This team is good, has been for years. They have one of the longest (if not THE longest) winning streaks in college football. To be honest, they could pull a Marshall and move up to division 1-A (as we all saw yesterday).

I know, because they are 30 miles down the road. :biggrin:
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LordJeffBuck;918243; said:
Exactly. This is the all-time argument ender. For the next hundred years or so, any time a Michigan fan starts running smack, all you have to say is two words: "Appalachian State". End of discussion.

:lol: For sure. If you are a scUM fan, haven't your smack talking privileges been suspended indefinitely anyway?
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Big Papa;918259; said:
:lol: For sure. If you are a scUM fan, haven't your smack talking privileges been suspended indefinitely anyway?

They sure have :( The only saving grace would be to go undefeated the rest of the year. Then again, we'd get left out of any NC talk (hypothetically, obviously not happening). Think of it...11-1 USC, 12-1 LSU, 11-1 Michigan. Hmmmm...Michigan lost to ASU, they lose. I'm not saying we're going undefeated, it's just hypothetical. I just want Carr gone, that's the straw that breaks the camel's back.
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