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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

Bleed S & G;918118; said:
Keep you fingers crossed that scUM runs the table and some how, some way, creeps up to top 5.. and we beat them again!

I don't care if they win their next 10 games...the stigma of losing at home to a I-AA team will keep them from rising up inside the top five.
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OCBucksFan;918107; said:
You know, I don't want to discredit appalachian state, they came out, believed they could win and even when things looked tough they never gave up, and in the end, they won. I know we have a member here who's a teacher there, you should be really proud of the university you teach. I find it amusing that my bosses were talking to end, I think Appalachian could beat quite a fewme on friday saying they would be me real money that they beat them by more than we weould beat YSU by. But in the D1A teams. Grats to that school, if I Could give greenies to an entire university I would.

Oh yeah, Milani, great call, I bet otherwise, maybe next time I will remember that betting on scUM is always a bad idea.

Um... What?
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buckeye16fan;918044; said:
With all due respect (since I am new to the forum here...), but you're not down here dealing with crazy SEC fans. They associate all bad things any non-SEC team does with every other team in their conference. And vice versa with SEC successes against non-SEC teams.

For instance, there are many South Carolina fans down here that give me a hard time every day about how bad we got beat by Floriduh. But then they take it a step further and then say that, since South Carolina only lost to Floriduh by one point on a blocked field goal, that South Carolina would have beaten Troy Smith and the Buckeyes by at least two touchdowns.

It does no good to point out logical arguments to them regarding playing insanely above their talent level for that particular week, or that South Carolina almost lost to Furman (FURMAN!!), or anything else... That's why they're crazy SEC fans.

By the way, College Football Final just came on the WWL... It'll be interesting to see what Desmond Howard has to say on the loss.

I'm right there with you. I live in Knoxville and Florida is supposed to be a huge Tennessee rival. Guess who all the Tennessee fans rooted for back in January? And why? Cause they are more worried about their conference looking bad then any rivalry. I don't know many OSU fans that would pull for Michigan for the Big10's sake and I love that about OSU fans. Next time I hear someone say "oh that Tennessee/Florida game is such a huge rivalry" I'm going to laugh and probably laugh in their face while pointing at them. They have no idea what a rivalry/hatred between two teams/states is.

I've had the SEC vs Big10 argument before. In fact I have it probably once a week with the people i work and you know what? It's pointless. It's almost like arguing politics. I do know from these discussions that SEC fans feel like they get no respect. But that just blows my mind. In all honesty, all I ever hear about on national programs is how great the SEC is, how fast they are, how much more competitive the football is, and how much better their conference is. But you know what, who the fuck cares. All I care about is how my Buckeyes do and that they aren't losing to D1-AA teams. :biggrin: (scUM Blows!)

All this conference superiority bs is just ways for the media to hype up games anyway. It's funny though, before I moved to SEC country I never even thought about who's got the better conference cause i never cared. But sometimes I think it's all they care about here. I guarantee the talk-shows will be talking all week about how Tennessee getting blasted by Cal tonight proves nothing about the SEC versus the Pac10 and you know what........they are right........ and you know why? Because last year Tennessee stomped Cal and 2 years ago Texas beat us and last year we beat Texas, and <insert most any out of conference series for past few decades>. Get my point?

I will say this though, Cal looked a lot faster than any SEC team last night. All except maybe Florida.......:biggrin: There was even another thing on College Game Day today about the speed of those Gators and how "it's scary" they could even get faster over the offseason...........it's a shame they don't get any respect.
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MililaniBuckeye;918122; said:
I don't care if they win their next 10 games...the stigma of losing at home to a I-AA team will keep them from rising up inside the top five.

still a fan of the D1 vs D1A thing? I think the whole thing is bullshit. Herbie was spot on with the cupcakes this morning. Its a waste of the fan's time. App state is HOT, HOT, HOT though.
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Appalachian State running back Kevin Richardson was asked: Were you surprised not to get Michigan's best effort?

"I think that was their best effort," he said.



Hail to the victors

By Dan Wetzel, Yahoo! Sports
September 1, 2007

By the time they were carrying small school coach Jerry Moore out of the Big House, owner of the greatest upset in college football history, the question was no longer whether little Appalachian State could compete with mighty Michigan.
It was now whether they could sneak enough whiskey back into dry Boone, N.C., to handle the celebration.
In a stunner for the ages, ASU, courtesy of a 34-32 come-from-behind thriller, became the first team from what was formerly known as Division I-AA to ever beat a ranked I-A team
And this wasn't just any team they beat, either. No. 5 Michigan is an historic power boasting three Heisman Trophy candidates, national title dreams and playing in front of 109,000-plus fans in its cavernous home stadium.
In a testament to forever dreams and fearless players, Appalachian State used a final blocked kick to give every underdog everywhere proof of what is possible if you look past the perception and believe in yourself.

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