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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

buckiprof;918056; said:
You may very well be correct scooter, but honestly, I really don't give a flying fuck!! scUM suffered a historic loss today, as another poster put it, an upset that possibly 50 years from now upsets will be measured against, and I was alive to witness it.

I swear that with my last breath before death, I will utter "Appalachian State", chuckle, and die with a smile on my face.

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On a note regarding the b10 and peoples perception of it, does it really matter all that much? The Pac10 has always dealt with being told they are over-rated and yet USC still rolls out as one of the powerhouses in the nation, and the B10 may well be down this year but that won't last long. We'll rise up again and be known for what we are, a tough conference, very physical and one that doesn't give up.

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808 Buck;918050; said:
If he says anything meaningful, it will be the first time. :wink2:

Yeah, you're not kidding...

Anyways, he only said that M!ch*g@n needs to focus on Oregon coming to th Big Toilet next week and try to recover. Well, there's something we didn't know... He must not have wanted to talk about the game that occurred today. :biggrin:
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Crap. I just read this whole thread (the first time I've read ANY entire thread) hoping to see some kick-ass quotes from Mike Hart. That guy might be the only one who can compete with Yogi Berra for quotes.

I'll check this thread again for some gems from Hart.
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Zurp;918069; said:
Crap. I just read this whole thread (the first time I've read ANY entire thread) hoping to see some kick-ass quotes from Mike Hart. That guy might be the only one who can compete with Yogi Berra for quotes.

I'll check this thread again for some gems from Hart.
Anticipation is fun.

Mike Hart... potentially said:
We're going to come back strong and win that DI-AA championship!
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Zurp;918069; said:
Crap. I just read this whole thread (the first time I've read ANY entire thread) hoping to see some kick-ass quotes from Mike Hart. That guy might be the only one who can compete with Yogi Berra for quotes.

I'll check this thread again for some gems from Hart.

"When you lose to a team like that, a Division I-AA team, how can you win the national championship in Division I?"

Hart (a.k.a. H2O-3) also said that they were all to blame, as the whole team played poorly in all facets of the game. And that there were too many seniors on the team and too much leadership on the team for them to point fingers at each other and assign blame. He said that losing always hurts, and that they obviously didn't expect to lose to App State.
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You know, I don't want to discredit appalachian state, they came out, believed they could win and even when things looked tough they never gave up, and in the end, they won. I know we have a member here who's a teacher there, you should be really proud of the university you teach. I find it amusing that my bosses were talking to me on friday saying they would be me real money that they beat them by more than we weould beat YSU by. But in the end, I think Appalachian could beat quite a few D1A teams. Grats to that school, if I Could give greenies to an entire university I would.

Oh yeah, Milani, great call, I bet otherwise, maybe next time I will remember that betting on scUM is always a bad idea.
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"Bad for the Big 10"

I'm with you guys about a oage back, this is bad for scUM, not the buckeyes.. and if lou holtz and mark may want to use this against the buckeyes or the big 10, i really don't give a shit about espns opinion or anyone who bases theres on what lou holtz spits across the screen.
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Thump;917956; said:
Because if it's blocked and you recover it, you get to kick it again.
It was 1st down, run to the middle, spike the ball, it's 3rd down with 2 downs to kick on. Plus the time run off is so valuable, scUM almost pulled it off for this very reason.

I guess it dosen't matter though, scUM went down anyways
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